Chapter III: Faculty And College Committees

Through participation on committees, faculty contribute to the formulation and execution of the academic policies of the College, an essential aspect of shared governance. This chapter describes the elected and appointed committees of the faculty. They include the following:

A. Committees elected by nomination from the faculty

1. Committee on Tenure and Promotion
2. Faculty Compensation Committee
3. Committee on Faculty Affairs

B. Committees elected by nomination from slates prepared by the Committee on Nominations and Elections

1. Committee on Academic Standing
2. Committee on the Curriculum
3. Committee on Academic Programs
4. Committee on Faculty Scholarship

C. Committees of the faculty appointed by the Provost and Dean of the College

1. Committee on Study Abroad
2. Health Professions Advising Committee
3. Committee on Distinguished Fellowships and Graduate Studies
4. Scholarly Misconduct Inquiry Committee
5. Scholarly Misconduct Investigation Committee

D. College committees appointed by the Provost and Dean of the College, the Vice President for Student Development and Mission, and the Student Government Association

1. Community Standards Board

E. College committees reporting to the President

1. Board of Directors of the General Alumni Association
2. Athletic Council
3. Campus Center Advisory Council

F. Ad hoc committees

A current list of ad hoc committees shall be maintained by the Office of the Provost and Dean of the College. 

General Considerations for Elective and Appointive Faculty and College Committees.

1. The following provisions shall apply to all committees in this Chapter except as specified for each committee.

a. Eligibility
Except as specified for each committee, only the teaching faculty of the College are eligible for election or appointment to faculty positions on committees established by this chapter and only teaching faculty may vote for elected teaching faculty representatives to these committees. Likewise only full-time administrative faculty without appointments to the teaching faculty may serve in positions designated for administrators except ex officio or vote in elections for such positions. Any full-time student of the College is eligible for a position on those committees for which student membership is indicated.

b. Election Procedures
Faculty nominations and elections shall be conducted by the Committee on Nominations and Elections of the Academic Governance Council (see I.D.1.i.) The sequence of the nominations and elections for the various committees is designed to ensure broad faculty participation in governance.

Except as specified for each committee, in the event of a tie in an election, the winner shall be chosen by lot drawn by the Chair of the Committee on Nominations and Elections. Except as specified for each committee, committees choose their own chairs from their elected members.

c. Length of Term
Except as specified for each committee, the term of office of teaching faculty elected to committees is two years; terms shall be staggered. Student members shall serve one year. The term of membership on appointed committees is determined by the appointing officer.

d. Vacancies
When a teaching faculty vacancy occurs in an elective position, that eligible faculty member with the next highest number of votes on the final ballot in the election that resulted in the seating of the outgoing member shall occupy the vacant seat for the period of the vacancy. Vacancies in appointive positions shall be filled by the appointing officer.

Section A: Committees elected by nomination from the faculty

1. Committee on Tenure and Promotion

The Committee on Tenure and Promotion reports to the Board of Trustees.

a. Scope and Function
The scope and function of this committee are defined in Chapter II.G.6. of these statutes.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of the Provost and Dean of the College (Chair), and eight elected tenured faculty members. 

The President shall attend the first meeting of the committee to explain the responsibilities of its members.

Each of the divisions of the faculty shall be represented on the Committee on Tenure and Promotion by two elected tenured faculty members from that division, but there shall be no more than one elected tenured faculty from any one department and no member shall serve concurrently as the Speaker of the Faculty.

c. Eligibility for Election
No tenured faculty member shall be eligible for election to the Committee on Tenure and Promotion until he or she is in his or her second year of service in a tenured position.   No elected member completing a full term may succeed him-or herself without two terms intervening.  In the event that a tenured member of the faculty has served three terms on the Committee, he or she shall have the right to decline any further nomination.  The faculty member may exercise that right by requesting the Committee on Nominations and Elections to leave his or her name off the nomination ballot.  Continuing members of the academic Academic Governance Council are not eligible for election to the CTP.  Tenured faculty members of departments that have a tenured department  member serving on the Committee on Tenure and Promotion in the subsequent academic year are not eligible for election.

A tenured faculty member with a spouse, domestic partner, family or household member in the tenure-track ranks of the faculty is ineligible for election to or service on the Committee on Tenure and Promotion until such time that the College has rendered a final decision on the application of the spouse, domestic partner, family or household member for promotion with tenure.

An elected member of the Committee on Tenure and Promotion who is being considered for promotion, or whose spouse, domestic partner, family or household member is being considered for promotion, shall vacate his or her seat on the Committee for the semester in which the case is heard.

d. Election Procedures
Each academic year, four new members of the Committee on Tenure and Promotion shall be elected. Before the end of the fall semester, and following the election of the Speaker of the Faculty,the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall send to each voting member of the ordinary ranks of the teaching faculty a list of the eligible tenured faculty members who belong to the same division as the faculty member. From this list, each faculty member shall nominate two. The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall prepare a ballot on which appear the names of those in each division who received the three highest nomination totals. This ballot shall be sent to each voting member of the ordinary ranks of the teaching faculty who shall vote for one person in each of the four divisions. The faculty member with the highest number of votes in each division shall be seated provided that no member from the newly elected faculty member’s department is currently serving on the Committee on Tenure and Promotion. Then, a faculty member with the next highest vote total from another department in the division shall be seated.

In the event of a tie in the divisional elections, the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall prepare a run-off ballot to determine the winner.

Nominations for the Committee on Tenure and Promotion, divisional and run-off elections shall each be conducted within a period of at least ten teaching days. The sequence of nominations and elections shall be conducted with dispatch.

If a member of the Faculty Compensation Committee, Committee on Faculty Affairs,the Finance and Planning Council, or the Student Life Council is elected to the Committee on Tenure and Promotion, that person shall vacate the seat on that committee or council.

e. Length of Term51
Elected members of the Committee on Tenure and Promotion shall serve two-year terms. 

f. Vacancies
When a divisional representative vacates a seat on the Committee on Tenure and Promotion, that eligible divisional nominee with the highest number of votes in the election that resulted in the seating of the outgoing divisional representative shall occupy the vacant seat for the period of the vacancy providing he or she is not in the same department as a continuing Committee on Tenure and Promotion member. When no such eligible nominee exists, the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall operate the nomination and election procedures of Chapter III.A.2.c. to fill the vacant slot.

g. Representative
The representative chosen by a department for a given case shall function solely as a resource person. He or she shall remain available to the Committee on Tenure and Promotion only so long as the members of the committee have questions to ask him or her. He or she shall not be present when the committee votes on the candidacy for which he or she is serving as a resource person. If there are circumstances in which the departmental representative is unable to answer questions the committee considers to be essential to its deliberations, the committee may forward its questions in writing to the tenured members of the department, and may request either the answers to these questions or a revised written report.

2. Faculty Compensation Committee

a.Scope and Function
This committee shall prepare an annual report on issues related to compensation (including benefits) of the teaching faculty and make recommendations to the Finance and Planning Council and the Academic Governance Council.

This committee shall also hear faculty grievances and concerns about compensation.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of two elected tenured members and two elected tenure track members of the teaching faculty; the Chair shall be elected by the committee. Members of this committee may not serve concurrently on the Committee on Tenure and Promotion, the Academic Governance Council, the Finance and Planning Council, the Student Life Council, or the Committee on Faculty Affairs.

c. Election Procedures
Each academic year, an election shall be held to fill the seats that will be vacated by members whose terms will expire. As soon as possible after the beginning of the Spring semester, and following the elections of the Speaker of the Faculty, the Committee on Tenure and Promotion, and the Academic Governance Council (but before the election for the Committee on Faculty Affairs), the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall send to each voting member of the faculty in each division a list of the eligible tenured and/or tenure-track faculty members in that division. From this list, each faculty member shall nominate one tenured and/or one tenure-track faculty member. The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall prepare a ballot on which appear the names of those tenured and/or tenure-track faculty members in each division who received the two highest nomination totals. This ballot shall be sent to each voting member of the teaching faculty (without regard to division) who shall vote for one tenured and/or one tenure-track faculty member. The tenured and/or tenure-track faculty member with the highest number of votes shall be seated. No more than two members of any single division may be seated at one time.

d. Length of Term
Tenured members of this committee shall serve for three years; the tenure-track members shall serve two-year terms.

3. Committee on Faculty Affairs

a. Scope and Function
This committee reports to the Academic Governance Council and through it to the Faculty Assembly. It serves as a resource for members of the teaching faculty who have concerns regarding policies or procedures related to professional responsibilities of the faculty. The committee is responsible for communicating these concerns, and any recommendations for changes in policies and procedure on issues related to the responsibilities of the faculty, to the Academic Governance Council or other committees, councils or administrative offices as appropriate. The Committee may consult with any other committee, member of the administration, or teaching faculty member, as appropriate, to fulfill its responsibilities. It is also responsible for recommending changes in policies and procedures in cases involving grievances and academic freedom.

All members of the Committee on Faculty Affairs shall be trained to serve as appellate panelists under the College’s discrimination and harassment policies, including, in particular, the Sexual Misconduct Policy. 

(1) Subcommittee on Appeals
This subcommittee composed of the four tenured members of the Committee on Faculty Affairs, hears appeals in cases involving faculty disability retirement (S.VI) faculty dismissal for cause (S.VII) and cases involving scholarly misconduct by faculty. It also conducts grievance procedures in cases of reappointment, tenure, and promotion (S.II.H).

(2) Subcommittee on Grievances
The Committee on Faculty Affairs shall elect three of its members to a subcommittee on grievances. This subcommittee shall also include one member of the administrative faculty elected by the administrative faculty. The subcommittee assists members of the faculty in resolving grievances that arise in their relationship with other members of the faculty.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of four elected tenured members of the teaching faculty, one from each division, and three elected members of the tenure-track faculty, including no more than one from each division; the Chair shall be elected by the committee. Members of this committee may not serve concurrently on the Committee on Tenure and Promotion, the Faculty Compensation Committee, the Academic Governance Council, the Finance and Planning Council, or the Student Life Council.

c. Eligibility for Election
Members of the tenure-track teaching faculty are eligible for this committee provided they are instructors or assistant professors who have been at the º£½ÇÉçÇø for at least two years.

d. Election Procedures
Each academic year, four new members, two tenured and two tenure-track, of the Committee on Faculty Affairs shall be elected. One of the tenure-track faculty members will be seated for a one-year term, all other new members will be seated for a two-year term.

Nomination of Tenured Representatives: As soon as possible after the beginning of the Spring semester, and following the elections of the Speaker of the Faculty, the Committee on Tenure and Promotion, the Academic Governance Council, and the Faculty Compensation Committee, the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall send to each voting member of the teaching faculty in those divisions in which a vacancy will occur a list of the eligible tenured faculty members in that division. From this list, each faculty member shall nominate two tenured faculty members.

Nomination of Tenure-Track Representatives: As soon as possible after the beginning of the Spring semester, and following the elections of the Speaker of the Faculty, the Committee on Tenure and Promotion the Academic Governance Council, and the Faculty Compensation the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall send to each voting member of the teaching faculty in those divisions in which there is not a continuing tenure-track faculty member on the Committee a list of all eligible tenure-track faculty members in that division. From this list, each faculty member shall nominate two tenure-track faculty members.

Election Procedures: The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall prepare a ballot on which appear the names of those tenured faculty members in each division who receive the three highest nomination totals and the names of the tenure-track faculty members in each division who received the two highest nomination totals.

This ballot shall be sent to each voting member of the teaching faculty, who shall vote for one tenured faculty member nominee in each of the divisions in which a vacancy will occur and two tenure-track faculty members from the list of all tenure-track nominees. The tenured faculty member nominee who receives the highest number of votes in each division shall be seated for a two-year term. The tenure-track faculty member who receives the highest number of votes overall shall be seated for a two-year term. The tenure-track faculty member with the next highest vote total who is not from the same division will be seated for a one-year term.

In the event of a tie in the divisional or at-large election, the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall choose the winner by lot.

e. Length of Term
Tenured members of this committee shall serve for two years, tenure-track faculty members with the highest vote total in a year shall serve for two years, the remaining tenure-track faculty member shall serve a one-year term. The two-year terms shall be staggered.

Section B: Committees elected by nomination from slates prepared by the Committee on Nominations and Elections

1. Committee on Academic Standing

a. Scope and Function
This committee hears appeals of suspensions and dismissals for academic reasons. In hearing an appeal of a suspension or dismissal for academic reasons, the committee may choose to uphold the penalty, overturn it, or substitute a lesser penalty if it judges that the circumstances so warrant. The Committee on Academic Standing also makes recommendations on policies regarding standards for standing, probation, suspension, dismissal and readmission.

In the matter of appeals cases, its decisions are given to the Provost and Dean of the College for execution. It shall, however, include a summary of such decisions in its report to the faculty. It shall also report to the Academic Governance Council on issues concerning academic advising that arise out of its experience.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of the Dean of Education and Academic Experience, the Registrar, the Director of Admission, and four elected members of the teaching faculty. Members of the committee who recuse themselves from consideration of particular cases are not replaced; consideration of those cases proceeds with the remaining members serving as the entire committee.

2. Committee on the Curriculum

a. Scope and Function
The Committee on the Curriculum oversees the College curriculum and facilitates coordination among all academic units regarding curricular policy and initiatives.

The Committee on the Curriculum: (1) Makes recommendations to the Academic Governance Council regarding possible changes to College-wide curricula (2) reviews the syllabus of a new course or a substantially revised course, after the department has reviewed and approved the course, to evaluate the appropriateness of the course for a liberal arts curriculum and approve common area designation requests (3) is consulted in advance to review changes in programs such as concentration, major and minor requirements, approves new minors, and reviews and makes recommendations regarding any new majors or independent multidisciplinary programs prior to the review by the Academic Governance Council and the Faculty Assembly; and (4) reviews and makes recommendations regarding College-wide learning goals and outcomes assessment in Academic Affairs.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of four elected members of the teaching faculty, one from each of the four divisions defined in Chapter I. A., one student selected by the Student Government Association who shall be a non-voting member, and three ex officio members: a representative of the office of the Provost and Dean of the College, the Director of the Office of Assessment and Research, who shall be a non-voting member and the Registrar (or the Associate Registrar in his or her absence) who shall be a nonvoting member.

3. Committee on Academic Programs

a. Scope and Function
The Committee on Academic Programs provides oversight for, and advises the directors of, all College programs that have curricular offerings with the exceptions of academic departments, independent multidisciplinary programs Passport, and Montserrat.  Included programs ("academic programs" hereafter) are advised on all major policy issues relevant to their work at the College. The committee votes on decisions and recommendations of its appointed subcommittees as appropriate. The committee makes recommendations to the Deans on the appointment of part time faculty under its purview.

The Committee on Academic Programs has the authority to appoint subcommittees to support the work of the academic programs, utilizing its own members and the directors and associate directors of the academic programs as appropriate. The committee and its appointed subcommittees shall accomplish the following tasks: review and approve course proposals; review student applications for majors, minors, and concentrations under the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies; review and approve templates for new multidisciplinary majors, minors, and concentrations; review and approve changes to templates for multidisciplinary majors, minors, and concentrations;  approve policy changes for academic programs; and approve the movement of included programs to independent multidisciplinary program status.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of five elected members of the teaching faculty, consisting of one from each of the four divisions defined in Chapter I plus one at-large member, and one student appointed by the Student Government Association as voting members. The committee Chair shall be chosen by the committee at the beginning of the academic year from among the five elected members of the teaching faculty.  

4. Committee on Faculty Scholarship

a. Scope and Function
The Committee on Faculty Scholarship disburses research funds to members of the teaching faculty, makes recommendations on the adequacy and distribution of research budgets, makes grants in subvention of publication, and selects awardees from among applicants for summer fellowships, and submits its selections for academic-year faculty fellowships to the Dean of the Faculty for final ratification. It makes recommendations to the Academic Governance Council concerning the adequacy of the library’s holdings and services based on emerging trends in faculty research. It also reviews nominations for the Mary Louise Marfuggi Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship and may participate in the review of candidates for named chairs and professorships.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of the Director of Sponsored Research, who shall serve as a non-voting ex officio member, and four elected members of the teaching faculty, one from each of the four divisions defined in Chapter I.A.

Section C: Committees of the faculty appointed by the Provost and Dean of the College

1. Committee on Study Abroad

a. Scope and Function
The Committee on Study Abroad advises the Director of the Study Abroad Program on major policy issues relevant to its role in promoting engaged learning and living in different cultures through participation in one or more of the College’s immersive study abroad experiences. The Committee also serves as a conduit of communication with the administration, faculty, and students regarding policies, procedures, and opportunities for students and faculty.

The committee shall accomplish a variety of tasks including: review new and existing study abroad programs; review proposed study tours and May semester courses; advise on assessment strategies for Study Abroad; and advise on proposed policy changes that might impact student participation in Study Abroad.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of the Director of the Study Abroad Program (ex officio), nonvoting; four divisional representatives of the teaching faculty; and one at-large member of the teaching faculty. Faculty members shall be appointed by the Provost. The committee Chair shall be chosen by the committee at the beginning of the academic year from among the five appointed members of the teaching faculty.

Candidates for divisional representative and at-large member should have an interest in and knowledge of the Study Abroad Program. One of the faculty members should have expertise in non-English speaking countries. Faculty members shall serve staggered three-year terms in order to maintain continuity.

2. Health Professions Advising Committee

a. Scope and Function
The Health Professions Advising Committee advises applicants for post-baccalaureate study in the health professions, evaluates their candidacy, solicits the recommendations of faculty members and writes composite letters of recommendation in accordance with the evaluation.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of the Health Professions Advisor (Chair) and seven appointed members of the teaching faculty.

3. Committee on Distinguished Fellowships and Graduate Studies

a. Scope and Function
The Committee on Distinguished Fellowships and Graduate Studies assists the Director of the Office of Distinguished Fellowships and Graduate Studies and selects candidates for special fellowships.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of the Director of the Office of Distinguished Fellowships and Graduate Studies (Chair), four appointed members of the teaching faculty, and Class Deans of the third and fourth year classes.  The Provost and Dean of the College may appoint non-voting clinical advisors for the committee. The Chair and teaching members of the Committee are responsible for fulfilling the Committee’s scope and function.

4. Scholarly Misconduct Inquiry Committee

a. Scope and Function
The Scholarly Misconduct Inquiry Committee conducts the inquiry stage of the Scholarly Misconduct Policy according to Chapter II. A. 15. of the Faculty Handbook.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of three appointed members of the tenured teaching faculty.

c. Length of Membership
The members of the Scholarly Misconduct Inquiry Committee shall be appointed to conduct a specific inquiry into scholarly misconduct. The committee is disbanded upon completion of the inquiry.

5. Scholarly Misconduct Investigation Committee

a. Scope and Function
The Scholarly Misconduct Investigation Committee conducts the investigation stage of the Scholarly Misconduct Policy according to Chapter II. A. 15. of the Faculty Handbook.

b. Membership
This committee is composed of five appointed members of the tenured teaching faculty.

c. Length of Membership
The members of the Scholarly Misconduct Investigation Committee shall be appointed to conduct a specific investigation into scholarly misconduct. The committee is disbanded upon completion of the investigation.

Section D: College committees appointed by the Provost and Dean of the College, the Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission, and the Student Government Association

1. Community Standards Board

a. Scope and Function
Members of the Community Standards Board are eligible to serve on a hearing panel assigned by the Director of the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards to hear violations of community standards. If sufficient members of the Community Standards Board are not available to create a hearing panel, the Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission may appoint interim members to the Community Standards Board for the purpose of serving on a designated hearing panel.

b. Membership
The Community Standards Board is composed of at least twenty-nine members of the College community, including the Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission and the Director of the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards. Nince of the members shall be members of the faculty appointed by the Provost and Dean of the College. Six of the members shall be administrators appointed by the Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission. Twelve of the members shall be students appointed by the Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission. The Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission shall request additional members be appointed as the need arises.

c. Length of Term
The faculty members of the Community Standards Board shall serve staggered three-year terms (three new members appointed each year). The administrative members of the Community Standards Board shall serve staggered three-year terms. The student members of the Community Standards Board shall serve for a maximum term of three years which expires upon graduation from the College. At least one student and one faculty member who have been elected to the Student Life Council shall be appointed to serve on the Community Standards Board.

Section E: College committees reporting to the President

1. Board of Directors of the General Alumni Association

a. Scope and Function
The board directs the affairs of the General Alumni Association of the º£½ÇÉçÇø.

b. Membership
This board is composed of one faculty member elected by the teaching faculty, one member of the teaching faculty or administrator of the college appointed by the President, and thirty-three other members elected; or appointed from among the alumni of the College in the manner determined by the by-laws of the General Alumni Association of the College.

c. Length of Term
The term of the faculty member elected by the teaching faculty shall be one year, coinciding with the academic year of the College.

2. Athletic Council

a. Scope and Function
The purpose of this council is to establish and promote the general policies and interests of athletics in keeping with the balanced overall educational objectives of the º£½ÇÉçÇø as determined by its Board of Trustees.

b. Membership
This council is composed of the Associate Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics, the Provost and Dean of the College, the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, three faculty members elected by the teaching faculty, three alumni (at least one of whom shall be a member of the º£½ÇÉçÇø Varsity Club) selected by procedures established by the Board of Directors of the General Alumni Association, and three elected students. One student shall be an active participant in a major intercollegiate sport at the College. One student shall be an active participant in the minor sports program at the College but shall not be an active participant in the major sports program. One student shall not be an active participant in either the major or the minor sports program.

c. Length of Term
Each teaching faculty member whose term expires shall be succeeded by a member of the teaching faculty elected to a three-year term. Each of the three students shall be selected each year for the term of one year. A student may succeed him- or herself and serve for a total of three years.

3. Campus Center Advisory Council

a. Scope and Function
This council advises the Director of the Hogan Center on the appropriate application of policy regarding building usage by internal and external organizations and programming initiatives by College organizations and departments.

This council may look to enhance the social interaction in both structured and unstructured student activities.

b. Membership
This council is composed of the Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission (chair), the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Director of Conference Services and the Hogan Center, two appointed members of the teaching faculty, two alumni, the Chair of the Campus Activities Board, and two other students.

Section F: Ad Hoc Committees

Ad Hoc Committees

1. Ad hoc committees to study, make recommendations on, or oversee specific topics that may arise may be appointed by the Board of Trustees, the President, the Provost and Dean of the College, the Academic Governance Council, the Finance and Planning Council, the Student Life Council or, with the approval of the Faculty Assembly, the Speaker of the Faculty.

Their scope and function and membership shall be determined in accordance with the purpose of their establishment.