• Updated Policy
    The College has adopted a revised Sex-Based Discrimination and Harassment Policy and a revised Equal Opportunity and Discriminatory Harassment Policy as of August 1, 2024. Please note that the webpages of the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity are being revised to reflect the revised policies. Individuals should refer to the revised policies for conduct occurring on or after August 1, 2024. Archives of prior policies are available at the bottom of this page. Review the Updated Policy

Reporting Options: Title IX, Equal Opportunity, and Criminal (Police)

Individuals considering filing a complaint about potential sexual misconduct, discrimination and/or discriminatory harassment have multiple options, including working with the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity, 海角社区 Department of Public Safety and/or Worcester Police.

Title IX and Equal Opportunity Reporting Options

Consistent with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the 海角社区 does not discriminate against students, faculty or staff based on sex in any of its programs or activities, including but not limited to educational programs, employment, and admission. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a kind of sex discrimination and is prohibited by Title IX and by the College.

The 海角社区 rejects and condemns all forms of harassment, wrongful discrimination, retaliation and disrespect and is committed to sustaining a welcoming environment for everyone and especially those vulnerable to discrimination on the basis of a person鈥檚 race,religion, color, national origin, age, marital or parental status (including pregnancy and pregnancy related conditions), veteran status, sex, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other legally protected status, while reserving its right where permitted by law to take action designed to promote its Jesuit and Catholic mission.

To report a violation, make a complaint or seek information about the process under the Sex-Based Discrimination and Harassment Policy (PDF) or the Equal Opportunity and Discriminatory Harassment Policy (PDF), you can pursue one of the following options.

Complete the Online Form 

Filling out this form does not automatically generate a complaint. Instead, upon submission, the form will be routed to the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity (Hogan Campus Center Suite 506, 508-793-3336). Once your form has been processed, someone will follow up to learn more and discuss potential next steps to include filing a complaint. On the form, you will be asked to record the type of alleged misconduct 鈥 this is simply your best guess. Please know that our office will work with you to better understand what misconduct might have occurred.

Anonymous reports are permitted and will be reviewed. Please be mindful that the extent of the institution's response and/or available support may depend on the level of detail shared in the report. The IP address from the device or computer used to submit this form is retained. 

File an Anonymous Complaint 

The College is in the final stages of creating an online portal specifically for anonymous complaints. In the interim, complaints may be submitted using the standard reporting form without including the name of the reporting party. However, the IP address from the device used to submit the report is captured. 

Once available, the portal will be intended only for anonymous complaints: the IP address from the device or computer used to submit this form is not captured or retained. Reports submitted to the College anonymously will receive careful consideration with the objective of promptly reviewing the report and addressing any improper conduct or violation of College policy. In some instances, the College may need additional information to proceed with any action. The College is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals who submit good faith reports or inquiries and you may remain anonymous if desired. Please note, however, that certain types of reports may be difficult for the College to pursue if you choose to remain anonymous. 

Contact the Title IX Coordinator/Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity

Derek DeBobes
Hogan Campus Center- Suite 506
Phone: 508-793-3336
Email: ddebobes@holycross.edu or titleix@holycross.edu 

Talk With a Responsible Employee

You may also wish to make a report to or discuss an allegation with other College employees.

The College recognizes that individuals may feel most comfortable discussing incidents, situations, and allegations with College employees whom the individual knows well. However, it is important to note that College employees, other than the confidential resources (The Counseling Center; Chaplains鈥 Office; Health Services; Employee Assistance Program; Faculty Ombudsperson; The College鈥檚 Primary Confidential Resource Provider, Elizabeth Drexler-Hines), are obligated by College policy to disclose reports and information concerning potential discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital or parental status (including pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions), sexual harassment (including, but not limited to, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual misconduct), or retaliation toward any member of the College community that is shared with them to the Title IX Coordinator. 

These employees are known as 鈥淩esponsible Employees.鈥 With the exception of confidential resources listed above, all full-time and part-time faculty and other employees and, with respect to student employees, Residence Assistants, and dining captains, are considered Responsible Employees.

File a Criminal Report

Should you wish to file a criminal report, you can contact: 

The College encourages individuals to report potentially criminal incidents to law enforcement so appropriate measures can be taken to help individuals and prevent future crimes. However, individuals are never required to report an incident to law enforcement. 

If you would like assistance in filing a report with the state or local police department, the Department of Public Safety will help. If you wish to file a report with off-campus authorities, you may choose to go directly to the local police department. 

The College will provide transportation for you to go to the police department to file a report with no questions asked unless your health or safety is at risk. You also may choose to have officers from the state or local police department come to campus. The College can arrange for a discreet and private place to meet for this purpose. 

These resources will provide information with respect to how to obtain a court-issued protective order. In the event that an individual obtains a protective order under state or federal law with respect to a College community member, the individual should notify the director of the Department of Public Safety and provide a copy of the order and, following receipt and review thereof, the director and Title IX coordinator will meet with the individual with respect to the enforcement of the protective order. In addition, or alternatively, you may seek a College issued no-contact order through the Title IX coordinator.

Preservation of Evidence

Any person who has experienced sexual violence is encouraged to take steps to preserve evidence of the incident, as doing so may be necessary as proof of the crime or to obtain a protective order. 

Your clothing and surroundings may contain valuable evidence. Try to refrain from going to the bathroom unless you save a urine specimen in a clean container. Try to refrain from drinking, showering, douching, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, changing your clothing, or straightening up anything. It is natural to want to do these things, yet it is important that a physician be able to examine you as you are from the incident. If you need to change your clothes, place each garment worn during the incident in a separate paper (not plastic) bag. 

If the incident involves any written or electronic communications (such as texts, pictures, videos, social media posts, phone calls), try to preserve copies and not delete the originals.