Malware Protection

The College requires all faculty and staff to run up-to-date anti-virus software on their computers.  The College's anti-virus solution is installed on all College-owned computers prior to deployment. The objective of this policy is multi-faceted.  Anti-malware:

  1. reduces the risk of a malware infection occurring
  2. reduces the risk of a malware infection causing a data breach
  3. is required by Massachusetts law for anyone dealing with "Protected Data"

Our anti-virus is implemented in a way that allows ITS to centrally monitor and manage it.  This reduces the risk of an infection turning into an outbreak, and allows ITS to respond quickly, reducing the risk of lost work and data.

Anti-malware software is just one component of the College's layered approach to system and data security.  In addition to centrally managed anti-malware, ITS operates firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and software update management systems to further mitigate malware threats, identify infections, and remedy identified problems.

Frequently Asked Questions on Malware and Virus Infections

Q: I think I have a virus.  What should I do?

A: Contact the Helpdesk at ext. 3548.  Under most circumstances, virus infections require a reimage.  Reimaging your computer is the safest, most effective way to be certain that the virus is gone.

Q: How could I have gotten infected?

A: Malware has evolved to be highly sophisticated, and the potential reasons are vast. The most common reason is that your computer is running some form of software that is out of date, such as an old browser.  It is also possible that your computer's operating system itself has not been updated.  See the of the website for more information on keeping your computer, and the software on it up-to-date.

Q: I think I'm infected...but...I'm very busy.  Can fixing this wait?

A: Malware can do some particularly unpleasant things, such as steal your passwords, delete your files, turn your computer into a remotely controlled spam generator, or be used as a launch pad for hackers to attack the College.  For the safety of your personal information, as well as College data and the College network, you should have the issue addressed immediately.