Mentor Network

Adriana DiPasquale, Psy.D.


Associate Director for Training and Clinical Services, Counseling Center
Message to First-gen students: You worked hard to get here. You are not here by accident. Remember that. Remember to acknowledge and celebrate any and all of your accomplishments they are many.




Alex Hindman

Assistant Professor, Political Science
Message to First-gen students: I am glad you're here, and you belong in this community. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise, including yourself. If you ever think people have it "all together," and you feel like you're the only one struggling, know you're not alone. In my experience, the people who most seem to have it together are excellent fakers with real private struggles. Reach out when you need help, be a friend when others come to you, and we'll build a better º£½ÇÉçÇø community. My door's always open. I know you'll find success here, and I'm rooting for you on that path.



Alexander Browman

Assistant Professor, Psychology
Message to First-gen students: As a first-generation college student, you are your ancestors' wildest dreams, and you should be extremely proud! But we know that it can also feel difficult at times — that you may sometimes feel that those around you know some special "secrets" about how to be successful at college.




Alvaro Jarrin

Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Message to First-Gen students: College can be daunting but you are not alone! So many of us care deeply about you and we can give you the tools so you can succeed. Ask us anything!




Amie Archambault

Assistant Director- LGBTQIA+ Specialist, Office of Multicultural Education
Message to First-Gen Students: When the road gets tough know that there are many folks in your corner on this campus. Find them, reach out, ask questions and know we are here for you! This is just one step in your journey, keep blazing the trail, you are doing amazing!




Amy Breton Borggaard

Assistant Director, Accessibility Services
Message to First-Gen Students: As a first- gen college student myself, I honor the challenge and pride of navigating such an important accomplishment. I commend all first- gen for their hard work.




Apollonya Maria Porcelli

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Environmental Studies
Message to First-Gen Students: Be proud of who you are and where you come from. Own it! Never let others define who you are or who you will become.





Ben Cannon

Associate Director for Diversity, Inclusion and Early Engagement, Center for Career Development
Message to First-Gen Students: The life experiences you bring as first generation students provide a ton of value on campus and also to employers! Utilize them to your advantage in your journey as students and starting your professional career.




Bianca R. Sculimbrene

Associate Professor, Chemistry
Message to First-Gen Students: The best predictor of future success is past success. Given your amazing success thus far in school, it is most likely that you will continue to be successful here at º£½ÇÉçÇø. Remember that the º£½ÇÉçÇø community believes in you!




Cathleen Doane Cannon

Director of Orientation and Transition, Office of Student Involvement
Message to First-Gen Students: The transition to and through college is unique for first generation college students. HCF1RST Scholars creates a valuable community among first generation students, faculty, and staff, establishes support networks, and creates a space to celebrate accomplishments.




Chris Holguin

Associate Director of Student Involvement, Office of Student Involvement
Message to First-Gen Students: You are here because you are meant to be. Don't ever doubt that.  This is only the beginning to fulfilling your greatest potential.





Cynthia Stone

Professor, Spanish
Message to First-Gen Students: Never doubt that you belong.






Denise Davies

Senior Business Analyst, Information Technology Services
Message to First-Gen Students: I was the first member of my family to attend college. At times I found it difficult to transition to my new role as a college student. Through the guidance and support of two mentors, I was able to successfully complete my college degree. The HCF1RST program provides similar guidance and support that I received so first- generation students can succeed.



Eileen Cravedi

Head of Access & Discovery Services, Dinand Library
Message to First-Gen Students: You are not alone. I was where you are and succeeded. Feel free to reach out or stop by anytime, I'm here to help.  As a librarian, I love questions-  ASK.





Erica Mendoza

Brooks Alumni Fellow- Alumni Relations, Office of Alumni Relations
Message to First-Gen Students: One of the awesome things about being a part of the first- gen community is the fact that you are surrounded by trailblazers, a resilient people who continue and are willing to overcome different challenges for the betterment of others.




Francisco Gago-Jover

Professor of Spanish, Dean, Class of 2021
Message to First-Gen Students: Remember that you are not alone in this journey. First generations can be found where you least expect.





Ginny Ryan

Lecturer, Religious Studies
Message to First-Gen Students: Being the first is great and maybe a bit scary but you aren't alone. We're in this together!





Isabelle Jenkins

Associate Director, Donelan Office of Community-Based Learning
Message to First-Gen Students: First generation college students make º£½ÇÉçÇø a better place. The stories, voices, experiences, and strengths of first generation college students provide more depth to the º£½ÇÉçÇø community, more role models for º£½ÇÉçÇø students and other community members, and the example of resilience and strength to all. We are glad you are here!



Jared P. Van Ramshorst

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
Message to First-Gen Students: You are here not only to learn but also to teach, for your experiences not only matter, but are important in lighting the way for so many others.





Jimena Valdivia-Collingwood

Assistant Director, Study Abroad
Message to First-Gen Students: º£½ÇÉçÇø would not be the same without you. Thank you for being here and for the opportunity we all have to learn from you!





Jorge Santos

Associate Professor, English, Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
Message to First-Gen Students: Si se puede!





Julie Draczynski ‘99

Associate Director, Center for Career Development
Message to First-Gen Students: Take full advantage of your time at º£½ÇÉçÇø. You're not alone! Reach out to all of the mentors and support resources available to you to ensure you are thoughtful about how you spend your time on The Hill.




Kate E. Bush, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor, History
Message to First-Gen Students: I had 13 jobs in graduate school, but now I just have one: letting others who come from working-class families know that they deserve to "make it" in academia  and everywhere else.




Rev. Keith Maczkiewicz, S.J.

Assistant Chaplain-Liturgy, Office of the College Chaplains
Message to First-Gen Students: We all have a story. Tell your part!






Kelly Saintelus

Director, Academic Services and Learning Resources
Message to First-Gen Students: Being a first-generation college student and child of immigrants I fully understand how important and exciting, yet confusing and somewhat intimidating this journey can be. I’m so excited to be working with HCF1RST Scholars because it gives me the opportunity to work with some of the most hardworking, creative, motivated, driven, and talented students. In my role at the College, I’m here to support you by giving you tips and strategies to ensure you are academically successful and to connect you to the myriad of campus resources. I hope you’ll stop by Academic Services and Learning Resources (ASLR) to say hello!


Kirsten Vanhorne ‘15

Assistant Director, Office of Admission
Message to First-Gen Students: You belong here! You are here to learn, grow, and become the wonderful person we know you can be. There are people who are here to support you. Remember to ask questions and use your resources.




Laura Wilson

Outreach  Librarian, Dinand Library
Message to First-Gen Students: You are amazing! I know it can be overwhelming to navigate all of the campus resources so if you are feeling overwhelmed, definitely ask for help! 




Lynn Verrecchia ‘01

Senior Associate Director, Admission
Message to First-Gen Students: We are a better community because of your presence.





Michael J. Stahl

Visiting Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible, Religious Studies
Message to First-Gen Students: I was once where you are now. I know carving out your own path in life can be very difficult at times. But you are doing something amazing and you are not alone. Take advantage of the various programs and resources available to you at º£½ÇÉçÇø. We all want you to succeed in everything you do in life. Always remember that you enrich our community and we are very proud of you!



Michelle Rosa Martins

Director, Office of Multicultural Education
Message to First-Gen Students: As a first-generation college graduate, I can relate to the challenges you may face AND I want to be there to celebrate the successes. There will be so many in your four years with us! You have a village of supporters, lean on us for support!




Michelle Sterk Barrett

Director, Donelan Office of Community-Based Learning
Message to First-Gen Students: I am consistently inspired and humbled by the hard work, persistence, and long-term vision that drives our HCF1RST Scholars to success on this campus.




Neel Smith

Professor and Chair, Classics Department
Message to First-Gen Students:  My mother still doesn't understand what I do or why my accent doesn't sound like hers. HC First-Gen students are helping me work through that.





Pam Ahearn

Director Employer Engagement, Center for Career Development
Message to First-Gen Students: Embrace your identity and remain confident in your abilities. You are here because you worked hard and you have much to contribute. Take advantage of what º£½ÇÉçÇø has to offer and don't be afraid to reach out for help.  We are here for you.




Rachel Chenette

Assistant Director of Admission, Office of Admission
Message to First-Gen Students: Know that we are here to support you on your journey, rooting for your success.  No matter what you may face along the way, we are here to remind you that your courage, dedication and grit will take you places you've never even imagined!




Reihonna Frost-Calhoun

Visiting Lecturer, Psychology Department
Message to First-Gen Students: When I started college as a first-generation college student, I remember feeling like I had arrived on a different planet! So much was confusing or different from what I was used to. I remember wondering, "How was I supposed to know that?" It is normal to not know things about college and need to ask that's what professors, staff members, and HCF1RST are for! Also, don't forget that the things you brought from your "different planet" are just as valuable as the things you learn at HC. It isn't that you know less you just might know different things than your fellow students.


Ryan Grant

Senior Associate Director, Residence Life and Housing
Message to First-Gen Students: Draw strength from your background and identity. Engage with our community and utilize your resources. Be authentic and lead from your experiences. We are better because you're here.




Shirley Konneh

Assistant Director, Center for Career Development
Message to First-Gen Students: Let no one cage who you were born to be.





Silvia Aldredge

Office Coordinator, Title IX and Equal Opportunity
Message to First-Gen Students: You are here because you belong here! Ask all the questions, use all the resources the College has to offer. Have an incredible experience. You have worked very hard to get here, take full advantage of your hard work.




Tat-siong Benny Liew

Professor, Religious Studies Department
Message to First-Gen Students: HCF1RST Scholars are pioneers who opened doors for many to follow.