Interim Purchasing Policy

The Purchasing Department supports all departments in the acquisition of products and services for 海角社区. College departments may work independently to source their requirements and select vendors in accordance with College policy and procedure. The policy is detailed below and also reviewed in this .

Purchasing staff is readily available to assist departments with questions and work collaboratively in an effort to communicate with vendors, facilitate the vendor relationship and execute final contract and agreements. The Purchasing Department maintains ownership and has the responsibility for making the final determination of all purchases, negotiations and contracts.

Authorized purchasers may initiate a purchase, and are responsible for verifying budget availability, identifying risk and areas of concerns, communicating with other departments impacted by the purchase, and compliance with College policies.

Unless expressly outlined in writing, authorized purchasers do not have signature authority to obligate the College to a purchase. Anyone who needs a contract or purchase order signed, who is not an authorized signer, should review the Contracts and Agreements section of this webpage.

Competitive bidding is recommended, but in certain instances, is required for products or services with an aggregate annual value of $25,000 or more. Competitive bidding should include three vendors. Whenever possible, at least one of these vendors should be a small, diverse, or local vendor.  The Purchasing Department is available to assist with the identification of small, diverse, and local vendors. In some circumstances, competitive bids are not appropriate and the requirement for obtaining them is waived. These circumstances include those outlined in the Sole Source section below.

Purchases shall be made on the basis of competitive prices, quality, suitability, delivery and service. The College requires acceptance of the best value. When determining best value, consideration may be given, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: price; bidder's previous record of performance and service; the ability of bidder to render satisfactory service, quality and conformance to specifications; delivery schedule; life expectancy, warranty and end of term; preferred vendor status.

Policy Exception for Emergency Acquisitions

The President or Treasurer (or Assistant Treasurer(s), if delegated) may approve spending outside of this policy if, in their professional judgment, it is an emergency situation in which there is no time to seek approval and there are College resources to support the action.

Dollar threshold categories are based on annual spending with a vendor versus an individual transaction.  At the time of original acquisition, purchasers are expected to reasonably anticipate the maximum level of spending to occur and apply the appropriate policy.


Annual Dollar Amount

Contract and Bid Requirements

Mechanism for Purchasing

Restricted Category List

Restricted Category List (no dollar limits apply)

  • Contract, agreement, or 海角社区 purchase order required
  • Competitive bidding requirements are consistent with dollar thresholds applicable to all other purchases
  • Purchase Orders Available
  • Accounts payable
  • Procurement cards are NOT allowed without express written prior approval.
Acquisitions not on Restricted Category List

Less than $5,000 unless on restricted list

  • Bid/quote process managed by the department, unless support is requested
  • If on preferred or contracted vendor list, required to use that source and no documentation of purchase selection required
  • If not on preferred or contracted vendor list, rationale for not using a preferred or contracted vendor is required. Purchase orders are available, but not required.
  • Procurement card for: (1) recurring payments less than $75, (2 ) one time purchases, (3) and travel (see exclusions list) 
  • Accounts payable for recurring purchases over $75

$5,000 - $24,999

  • Bid/quote process managed by the department, unless support is requested
  • If on preferred or contracted vendor list, required to use that source and no documentation of purchase selection required
  • If not on preferred or contracted vendor list, rationale for not using a preferred or contracted vendor is required. Three written price quotes are recommended.
  • Contract, agreement, or 海角社区 purchase order required
  • Contract, agreement, or 海角社区 purchase order required
  • Accounts payable

$25,000 - $249,999

  • Bid/quote process managed by the department, unless support is requested
  • Competitive bidding process with three written price quotations are required.
  • Documentation of cost or price analysis is required.
  • Contract, agreement, or 海角社区 purchase order required
  • Contract, agreement, or 海角社区 purchase order required
  • Accounts payable

More than $250,000

  • Bid/quote process required to be managed centrally by the Purchasing Department
  • Formal competitive bid process led through centralized procurement office
  • Purchase Orders Required
  • Contract or other agreement required
  • Accounts payable

Less Than $5,000 and not on the Restricted Category List

For purchases less than $5,000 and not on the restricted category list, authorized purchasers may identify and select suppliers subject to provisions of this policy. If the vendor is on the College鈥檚 preferred or contracted vendor list, it is required the requestor purchase from this source and no documentation of purchase selection is required. 

The procurement card (or P-Card) should be used to pay for purchases when such payments:

a) are recurring payments less than $75,

b) one-time purchases, or

c) travel (which is subject to the College鈥檚 travel policy).


Cardholders are prohibited from "splitting" purchases that exceed $4,999 into multiple procurement card charges, and are required to adhere to the College鈥檚 procurement card policy.


All other purchases should be paid through accounts payable.


Purchase orders are available, but not required. If there is a written contract or agreement, it is required to be submitted to the for review and signature by an authorized signer.

Between $5,000 and $24,999 and not on the Restricted Category List

A competitive bidding process is recommended, but not required, for purchases over $5,000 but not exceeding $24,999 that are not on the restricted category list. If the vendor is on the College鈥檚 preferred or contracted vendor list, it is required the requestor purchase from this source and no documentation of purchase selection is required. 


All payments must be made through accounts payable.


Purchase orders are available and required if there is no written contract or agreement. If there is a written contract or agreement, it is required to be submitted to the for review and signature by an authorized signer.

Purchases Between $25,000 and $249,999 and not on the Restricted Category List

A competitive bidding process including a minimum of three quotations is required for purchases over $25,000 and below $249,999. This process may be managed by an authorized purchaser. 

Rebidding Requirements

As contracts reach the end of their term, the vendor relationship should be reviewed. If a vendor was selected based on a competitive bidding process within the past 5 years, the department may make a determination to not rebid if the following criteria are met: a) work performance is satisfactory, b) price adjustments are reasonable and consistent with industry standards, c) the nature of the contracted work is similar in nature in terms of scope and cost, and d) the increased term will not exceed three years.

If work is not rebid, written justification for this decision should be attached to the new contract, agreement, or purchase order when submitted to for review.  

If a good or service is subject to a competitive bidding process and has not been part of a process within the past 5 years, a competitive bidding process is required unless expressly approved by the Purchasing Department in writing. A written justification, including the Purchasing Department鈥檚 approval, is required.


All payments must be made through accounts payable.

A contract or purchase order is required for all purchases. All contracts must be submitted to for review and signed by an authorized signer. When contracts are submitted, documentation of the three quotations reviewed as part of the competitive bidding process must be attached. If there are limited sources of supply or the low bid is found unacceptable because of some factual circumstance, the authorized purchaser should write a clear, concise and factual justification for not accepting the lowest bid by using the . If the requestor is unable to identify three suppliers, the Purchasing Department should be contacted to assist in identifying additional suppliers.

Purchases Over $250,000 and not on the Restricted Category List

All purchases over $250,000 require the requestor to contact the Purchasing Department to conduct a formal bid process. The Purchasing Department will work collaboratively with the requestor to facilitate this process for the requestor's review and evaluation.


A contract and purchase order are required for all purchases. All contracts must be submitted to so that they can be reviewed and signed by an authorized signer. 


All payments must be made through accounts payable.


Policy Exception for Emergency Acquisitions

The President or Treasurer (or Assistant Treasurer(s), if delegated) may approve spending outside of this policy if, in their professional judgment, it is an emergency situation in which there is no time to seek approval and there are College resources to support the action.

海角社区 contracts for certain commodities and services on a college-wide basis with particular suppliers for the best quality, service and price.  Departments are expected to make use of the contracted suppliers whenever possible. Please refer to the on-line Preferred Vendors List below for the applicable contact information.  Once accounts are set up, Departments should contact the preferred vendors directly for these purchases. Click here for a list of local preferred hotels.

Restricted Category List (No Dollar Limits Apply)

Some categories of goods or services involve unique risks or compliance requirements and always require centralized review, including potential involvement of multiple offices. These categories are considered 鈥渞estricted categories鈥 and a contract or purchase order is always required regardless of the dollar amount.  The following categories are considered restricted categories:

鈥 Software
鈥 Hardware  
鈥 Agreements requiring a certificate of insurance
鈥 Transportation agreements
鈥 Speaker fees and honorarium
鈥 Employment Agreements
鈥 Settlement and Release of asserted claims
鈥 Professional Services, Consulting and service agreements with an individual (as opposed to an entity) or an entity wholly owned by the individual providing the service unless using a standard PSA after meeting independent contractor screening list
鈥 New student agreements (other than standard form)
鈥 Financing contracts - loan agreements, notes, credit or line of credit agreements, and other agreements to borrow money
鈥 Real estate - leases, rental agreements, lease-purchase arrangements, agreements for land, buildings or other structures, space in buildings, housing, apartments, parking (other than standard form)
鈥 Contracts for the construction, renovation or repair of any building, facility, grounds, or physical plant equipment
鈥 Gift/donation agreements (other than standard forms)
鈥 Investment agreements (including investment management agreements, custodial agreements, investment advisor agreements and investment vehicles)
鈥 Federal contracts and subcontracts
鈥 Contracts with international entities or individuals (other than standard form Study Abroad agreement)
鈥 Contracts with exclusivity provisions
鈥 Intellectual property agreements and licenses (other than standard forms)
鈥 HIPAA, GDPR, other international PII obligation
鈥 Acquisition of legal services
鈥 Out of ordinary course or purchases with unique risk factors (e.g., helicopter acquisition)
鈥 Contracts directly implicating health and safety or new regulatory obligations

For the Commodities listed below, please contact the responsible Department directly prior to purchasing items from an outside vendor. They will either assist in ordering the item or provide you with the approval to use 海角社区 preferred vendors.


Responsible Department

Contact Name & Email

Computer equipment, peripherals and desk top printers


Jen Gilmore



Eileen McCarron

Audio Visual


Paul Rayne

College funded Cell Phones


Eileen McCarron

Library book and subscriptions 

Dinand Library 

Erica Brennan

Copy Services / Copiers 

ITS Help Desk

Internal Printing (Business Cards/Stationary/Invitations,)

Graphic Arts

External Printing Services /   Banners / Signage

Graphic Arts

Website Design/Promotional Video Production

College Marketing

John Hill

Freelance writers/Photographers

College Marketing

John Hill

Large Mailings 

Mail Services 

Peter Zona

Event Rental Space & Catering

Conference  Services

Kate Massad

Moving Services on Campus Facilities

Work Order

FAMIS System

Space management


Allen Morais

Construction Expenditures  


Allen Morais

Storage Containers  Facilities

Work Order

FAMIS System

Pest Control 


Work Order

FAMIS System

Carpeting / Floor Mats 


Work Order

FAMIS System

Vehicle Purchasing


Scott Slaboden

Office Water Coolers Procurement

Alex Dion



Scott Slaboden

Document Shredding Purge


Cheryl Davidson

Sole Source and Higher Price Purchases

In cases where the purchase is limited to a single or sole manufacturer or supplier, the College may waive competitive bidding requirements if there is an approved Sole Source/Higher Price Justification form on file. 

Sole Source Justification Form documenting the situation that makes it impractical to obtain competitive bids is required for each purchase subject to competitive bidding requirements for which sole source is being sought. The Sole Source Justification Form must be completed by the requisitioning department. Final authority in determining whether an item or service may be purchased from a sole source rests with the Purchasing Department.

The Sole Source/Higher Price Justification form should be submitted, with the accompanying bids/quotes, when the lowest priced bid/quote was not used. Please include a clear explanation describing the contributing  factors and reasoning for not selecting the lowest priced bid/quote. Final authority in determining whether an item or service may be purchased from a higher priced source rests with the Purchasing Department.


Examples of sole source justification include:




Need for compatibility with an existing item with enough detail to demonstrate that compatibility is indeed necessary

Existing Contract

Vendor holds a service contract and therefore must supply the parts as a part of this contract. Mention warranty invalidation, if appropriate


The feature or features which would make an item unique:

-          A detailed explanation of how and why these unique features affect the function of the item

-          An explanation of why these unique functions and/or features are necessary to the use intended by the unit

-          Why an item could not be used without these functions and/or features


Time is of the essence and only one known source can meet the College鈥檚 needs within the required timeframe; administrative delays do not justify urgency for a sole or single source justification