Pilgrims and Their Reflections

Pilgrimage 2024

Read the personal accounts and reflections of pilgrims:

  • Chick Weiss, Director of Grants and Foundation Relations, wrote "Sustaining Institutional Mission through 'Pilgrimage'" for Liberal Education magazine's Summer 2009 issue. Download the PDF.
  • Xavier University alumna and former adjunct faculty member Holly Schapker was also featured in the spring 2010 issue of Company magazine for the series of paintings she created following her pilgrimage experience. Download the PDF.
  • See the list of .
  • See the of Loyola University Maryland faculty.

Past Pilgrims

Alan Avery-Peck, Religious Studies
Lori Blackwell, Office of the President
Adriana DiPasquale, Counseling and Psychological Services
Julie Draczynski, Center for Career Development
Andrew Garavel, Jesuit Community
Eduardo Gonzalez, S.J., Religious Studies
Audrey Seah, Religious Studies
Michelle Sterk-Barrett, J.D. Power Center for Liberal Arts in the World
Mirabelle Tseng, Office of International Students
Elliott Visconsi, Provost
Rebecca Winarski, Mathematics and Computer Science
Kyle Woolley, Office of Mission
Isabel Alvarez Borland, Spanish*
Susan Amatangelo, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - Italian
Nancy Andrews, Classics
Tim Austin, VPAA and Dean*
Cristina Ballantine, Mathematics and Computer Science
Faisal Baluch, Political Science
Renee Beard, Sociology and Anthropology
Rob Baumann, Economics
Michael Beatty, Visual Arts*
Robert Bellin, Biology
Pat Bizzell, English*
Andrea Borghini, Philosophy*
Melissa Boyle, Economics
Don Brand, Political Science
Laurie Britt-Smith, Center for Writing
Danuta Bukatko, Psychology
Rosemary Carbine, Religious Studies*
Loren Cass, Political Science
William Campbell, S.J., Vice President for Mission*
Thomas Cecil, Mathematics and Computer Science*
Stephenie Chaudoir, Psychology
Predrag Cicovacki, Philosophy*
William Clark, S.J., Religious Studies
Christine Coch, English
Mary Conley, History
Danilo Contreras, Political Science*
Paul Covino, Chaplain*
Gregory DiGirolamo, Psychology
Matthew T. Eggemeier, Religious Studies
Geoffrey Findlay, Biology
Amy Finstein, Visual Arts
Ericka Fisher, Education
Zack Fitzsimmons, Mathematics & Computer Science
Alison Fleming, Visual Arts*
Lisa Fluet, English*
Megan Fox-Kelly, Chaplain
Sharon Frechette, Math and Computer Science
Margaret Freije, Mathematics, Dean of the College and Provost*
Dan Frost, Spanish
Andrew Futterman, Psychology, Health Professions Advisor*
Francisco Gago-Jover, Spanish
Paul Galvinhill, Director, Counseling Center
Matthew Gamber, Visual Arts
Kristine Goodwin, Student Affairs*
Thomas Gottschang, Economics*
Karen Guth, Religious Studies
Christine Hagan, Chemistry
Judy Hannum, Director of Planning and Budget*
Paul Harman, S.J., Special Assistant to the President*
Heather Hayes, Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff
James Hayes, S.J., Chaplain
Jamie Herrick, Laboratory and Studio Safety*
Richard Herrick, Chemistry*
Kendy Hess, Philosophy
Cynthia Hooper, History
Kurt Hultgren, Theatre
David Hummon, Sociology and Anthropology*
Amber Hupp, Chemistry
Paul Irish, Student Affairs
André Isaacs, Chemistry
Ronald Jarret, Chemistry
Patricia Johnston, Visual Arts
David Karmon, Visual Arts
Robert Keane, S.J., Mission Office*
Marybeth Kearns-Barrett, Chaplain
Martin Kelly, Chaplain
Denis Kennedy, Political Science
Greta Kenney, Office of Diversity and Inclusion*
Katherine Kiel, Economics
Sarah Klotz, English
Dan Kim, College Marketing & Communications*
Laurie Smith King, Mathematics and Computer Science
Nadine Knight, English
Matthew Koss, Physics
Lynn Kremer, Theatre
Alice Laffey, Religious Studies*
Elizabeth Landis, Chemistry
Tom Landy, McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture
Mary Lee Ledbetter, Biology*
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Religious Studies
Jerry Lembcke, Sociology and Anthropology*
Cornell LeSane, Vice President for Enrollment
Ann Marie Leshkowich, Interim Provost and Dean of the College, Sociology and Anthropology
Benny Tat-siong Liew, Religious Studies
Neil Lipsitz, Associate Dean for Student Development
John Little, Mathematics and Computer Science*
Min Kyung Lee, Visual Arts*
Todd Lewis, Religious Studies
Alison Bryant Ludden, Psychology
Sarah Luria, English
Gregory Lynch, S.J., Chaplain*
Keith Mackiewicz, S.J.*
Earle Markey, S.J., Admissions
Victor Matheson, Economics
Rich Matlak, English/CISS*
Shawn Maurer, English
Justin McAlister, Biology
Theresa McBride, History*
Ann McDermott, Admissions*
Kim McElaney, Director of College Chaplains*
Michael C. McFarland, SJ., President*
Reginald McGee, Mathematics and Computer Science*
Paul Melley, Chaplain*
Gwenn Miller, History
Mable Millner, Asst. Dean and Director of Multicultural Education*
Jim Miracky, S.J., English and Associate Dean*
Sara Mitchell, Biology
Jennie Germann Molz, Sociology and Anthropology
Michelle Mondoux, Biology
Suzanne D. Morrissey, Editor, º£½ÇÉçÇø Magazine*
Jonathan Mulrooney, English
Munyaradzi Munochiveyi, History
Amy Murphy, Center for Career Development
Michele Murray, Senior Vice-President for Student Affairs & Mission
Blaise Nagy, Classics*
Tomohiko Narita, Physics
Timothy J. O'Brien, S.J., '06, Associate Vice-President for Mission*
Debra O'Connor, Economics* 
Edward O'Donnell, History
Jean Ouedraogo, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - French
Olga Partan, World Languages, Literatures, and Culture - Russian
Ellen Perry, Classics
Michael Perry, VP Development and Alumni*
Jackie Peterson, VP Student Affairs*
Leila Philip, English
Justin Poché, History
Margaret A. Post, Community-based Learning*
Virginia Raguin, Visual Arts*
Juan Ramos, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - Spanish
Emily Rauer Davis, Associate Chaplain and Director of Domestic Immersions
Jeff Reno, Political Science*
Paige Reynolds, English
Daniel Ricciardi '06, Associate Vice President for Investments and Institutional Resources
Cristi Rinklin, Visual Arts
Susan Rodgers, Sociology and Anthropology*
Constance Royden, Mathematics and Computer Science
Ellen Ryder, Director of Public Affairs*
John Savard, S.J., Chaplain*
Mark Savolis, Archives*
Denise Schaeffer, Political Science
Thibaut Schilt, World Languages, Literature, and Cultures - French
Sylvia Schmitz-Burgard, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - German
Stephen Shapiro, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - French*
Paul Sheff, V.P. for Advancement*
Janine Shertzer, Physics
Jameliah Shorter-Bourhanou, Philosophy*
May Sim, Philosophy
Elizabeth Small, General Counsel
Sarah Stanbury, English*
William Stempsey, S.J., Philosophy
Cynthia Stone, Spanish
Sue Crawford Sullivan, Sociology and Anthropology
Victoria Swigert, Sociology and Anthropology and class dean*
Amit Taneja, Vice Provost for DEI*
Karen Teitel, Economics and Accounting
Ward Thomas, Political Science
Jeremy Thompson, Vice President for Communications
Karen Turner, History*
Madeline Vargas, Biology, Dean of the Faculty
Lynn Verrecchia, Director of Admission
Tomicka Wagstaff, Vice Provost and Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Kevin Walsh, Mathematics & Computer Science
Chick Weiss, Director of Grants and Foundation Relations*
Melissa Weiner, Sociology and Anthropology
Helen Whall, English*
Amy Wolfson, Psychology, Associate Dean*
Alex Yen, Economics*
Stephanie Yuhl, History
Ann Zelesky, Associate Athletic Director*

*retired/former members of the º£½ÇÉçÇø Community

Over the years, º£½ÇÉçÇø' participation has been financially supported by the Leavey Family Foundation, the Lilly Vocation Discernment Initiative, the º£½ÇÉçÇø Jesuit Community, and the President's Mission Fund.