

We, the black students of the º£½ÇÉçÇø, being fully aware of our unique position at this institution, recognizing the need to safeguard and consolidate that position through a sense of group solidarity and identity, and desiring to make all members of the º£½ÇÉçÇø community aware of our collective goals and interests, do hereby establish the Black Student Union of the º£½ÇÉçÇø.

Article I Title

Section 1    This organization will be known as the Black Student Union of the º£½ÇÉçÇø, hereinafter referred to as BSU

Article II Mission

Section 1

  • It will be the purpose of this organization to:
  • Implement programs to raise social consciousness, promote black intellectuality and create unity among Students of African Descent

  • Provide Students of African Descent with necessary foundation to create and nurture an atmosphere conductive to social development

  • Provide Students of African Descent with a medium through which to voice their needs and concerns to the appropriate agencies of the College

  • B.Generate a greater understanding between races and ethnicities by actively promoting and participating in academic, political, and social programs, Which broaden understanding of the crucial aspects of race relations and social environments within our community

Article III Membership

Section 1  
Membership in the BSU is open to all members of the º£½ÇÉçÇø student community subject to the guidelines outlined below

  • All students of the º£½ÇÉçÇø community with African ancestry
  • All students of the º£½ÇÉçÇø community genuinely concerned with the welfare of the African American culture and its impact upon the º£½ÇÉçÇø community and whose goals and are consistent with the spirit of this union

  • Attendance will be taken at every meeting. An attendance record will be forwarded to the general body for review within three days of a given general membership meeting. This attendance record will be used to establish voting rights. (Consut Article VIII for details.)

  • Any student who wishes to resign may have their name stricken from the roster and/or e-mail lists.

Article IV Organization

Section 1

The officers of the BSU will consist of seven (7) students elected from the body of the BSU. The specific officers to be elected will be: two (2) Co­ Chairs, Treasurer/SGA Liaison, Secretary, Publicity Chair. Each officer is required to serve office hours during the week:

Section 2 
The Co-Chairs shall

  • Oversee and represent the membership of the BSU on every level of the College and serve as sole authoritative spokespeople for the BSU
  • Keep abreast of all College administrative policy changes and notify the membership of said changes
  • Have the right to form, activate, or dissolve any ad hoc or standing committee of the BSU
  • Conduct regular weekly publicized office hours, at least two hours per week to be accessible to the concerns of BSU members and the º£½ÇÉçÇø community directly.
  • Preside over all Executive Board and General meeting to verify that all board members continually progress en route to fulfilling their respective duties
  • Oversee and aid in implementing activities pertaining to socio-political and cultural affairs
  • Oversees and authorizes monetary funds in absence of the treasurer.

Section 3
The Treasurer/RSC Liaison shall

  • Have the exclusive right to conduct all BSU monetary transactions for all authorized BSU functions
  • Compose a monthly report to budget proposal adjustments and past transactions
  • Be present at all withdrawals of BSU moneys
  • Have sole permission to authorize in case where signature is needed for the withdrawal of BSU funds and in all authorized BSU functions
  • E.Include a written proposal of purpose for the funds and receipt for all moneys spent in every expenditure
  • Keep an up-to-date record of BSU finances (Up-to-date is termed as a record given publicly at each general meeting and at each Executive Board meeting
  • Be held responsible for all monetary transactions
  • Will serve as liaison between Fashion Show Committee and Executive Board

Section 3b
The RSO Liaison shall

  • Improve inter-organizational relations and develop rapport between BSU and other campus organizations
  • Present monthly report of information gathered at Student Government Association meetings and MSO roundtable
  • Be an active participant in the inner workings of other RSO's
  • Responsible for the involvement of the BSU in campus activities
  • Keep abreast of all the college administrative policy changes and notify the membership of the said changes

Section 4
The Secretary shall

Keep a journal of all monthly general assembly meeting
Account for the BSU mailbox, voicemail and e-mail

  • Be responsible for BSU office by maintaining and keeping all organization files and literature in proper order.
  • Organize and distribute authorized bulletins to the membership through campus mail
  • Conduct publicized, weekly office hours at least two (2) hours per week to perform the duties of office and to assist the Co-Chairs in their duties. (Workweek is termed as Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.
  • Be responsible for administering Program Evaluation Forms and reporting information to the Executive Board
  • Send all Executive Board members copies of minutes taken during Executive Board meetings in order to establish and maintain continuity of discussion and planning from meeting to meeting
  • Send all members, including Executive Board, copies of minutes from general membership meetings.
  • Be responsible for maintaining and updating the BSU archive file

Section 5 
The Publicity Chair shall

  • Publicize all BSU events, programs, functions, etc to entire º£½ÇÉçÇø community
  • Distribute authorized bulletins to the membership through campus mail/e-mail
  • Appoint assistant for publicity if necessary
  • Publicize all significant BSU programs to area colleges and universities
  • Serve as the BSU liaison and be an active participant in any current consortium organization
  • Conduct regular weekly office hours, at least one hour in order to accurately carry out his/her duties
  • Manage the BSU facebook and saderlink accounts

Section 7 
The Director of Alumni and Community Relations shall

  • Establish contacts within the greater Worcester community to promote and foster programs which encourage involvement  in the community
  • Establish contact with the Black Business in the Worcester area to encourage development of relationships between black students at º£½ÇÉçÇø and black business owners in the greater Worcester area.
  • Maintain relationship with community development representative in other student organizations
  • Work on bi-monthly alumni newsletter as well as other contact information relating to alumni
  • Serve as a liaison with college staff and faculty that are working on alumni events
  • Create and update directory of black alumni available to the BSU
  •  Maintain relationship with º£½ÇÉçÇø community

Article V Appointed Positions

Section 1
These positions shall be activated upon official appointment by the Executive Board, as necessary, for the successful completion of each Executive Board

Section 2
The Chief of Staff shall

  • Take on the duties of Co-Chair if that person in office is absent, resigns, or removed from office
  • Remind other executive board members of the limitations of their roles

Section 3
The Senior Advisor shall

  • Shall serve to provide insight from previous experience
  • Oversee and provide constructive suggestions to other executive board members

Section 4
The First Year Apprentice shall

  • Learn the administrative roles and intricacies of each office
  • Assist other officers in fulfilling duties when needed as requested


Section 5
 An Ad Hoc Committee shall

  • Be created for the completion of a successful event
  • Reflect and accomplish the stated objectives of a proposed BSU event
  • Be dissolved at the completion of the event and there is to be a debriefing by the committee
  • Have once active executive board member seat on the committee and report back to the executive board at meetings
  • Fashion Show Chair (2)-responsible for designing the theme of the show, overseeing and collaborating with other executive board members. Exhibiting great interest in Fashion & Design.
  • Wardrobe Coordinator (2) Working with the executive board to organize tryouts and practices for models, helping with selection of clothing, props and accessories for the show.
  • Secretary- recording the meetings held during planning for the fashion show along with helping out with any, emailing event updates to º£½ÇÉçÇø community
  • Media & Publicity Chair- implement creative and consistent ways to advertise for the fashion show

Article  VI Impeachment

Section 1 Any officer of the BSU may be impeached and or removed from office by any member of the organization

Section 2
Impeachment procedure is as follows
A. A proposal for impeachment must be written and presented to the general membership at the monthly meeting

  • A vote for impeachment must be taken and majority vote must be reached for impeachment hearings to move forward

B. A hearing to review the charges must be scheduled at most, on a date one week or less following the proposal for impeachment having been registered

  • The initiator of the impeachment process must present his/her case to the assembled body of the BSU
  • The accused officer has the right to answer any charges made against him/her
  • After accusations and defense have been heard, the assembled membership will vote the outcome of the issue
  • Active members will be allowed to vote by secret ballot
  • Final dismissal requires a two-third (2/3) positive approval of the total membership of the BSU

C. If one of the Co-Chairs is removed from office than the treasurer shall provide assistance to the remaining Co-Chair when needed

D. If other officers of the Executive Board are impeached and/or removed from office, then a special election shall be held to select a new officer, and the newly elected officer shall receive assistance from the remainder of the Executive Board

E. If an officer of the Executive Board is removed or reigns under charges of impeachment, s/he shall not be eligible for candidacy in the ensuing BSU elections or hold any appointed position

F. Replacements must be made within 15 days after dismissal

Article VII Resignations

Section 1  If a Co-Chair resigns during the academic year if the appointed position of Chief of Staff or Senior Advisor is in place they shall become co-chair, if that position is not in place then the treasurer will become active co-chair and have the opportunity to fill the co-chair position if desired. If the treasurer decides not to become co-chair then the executive board will interview who they perceive to be the best candidates and choose from the candidates

Section 2  If an elected officer resigns during the academic year then the executive board will interview who they perceive to be the best candidates and choose from the candidates.

Article VIII Elections

Section 1 Elections shall be held during the second to last week in March.
Section 2 The format of election process is as follows

  • Students interested in BSU positions must attend informational session in order to be considered
  • Students interested in BSU positions must send in a letter of intent and resume to the BSU e-mail account
  • On the selected date of elections, there will be a Candidate Forum. The procedures for the forum are as follows
  • A voting member shall count as an active member whose registered on saderlink
  • Only students who are genuinely concerned with the betterment of BSU may hold an elected position

Article IX Organizational Structure


Chief of Staff or Senior Advisor)

Treasurer t Secretary

Events Coordinator

Publicity Chair (2)

Sophomore Understudy

First Year Apprentice