Attendance Policy

Student Employment Attendance Policy

As part of the 海角社区 community, Dining Services has certain expectations of the people it employs. Put simply, we expect all scheduled employees to be on time, in the proper uniform, ready to work and fulfill their scheduled shifts. 

Your attendance is vital to ensure that meals run smoothly, due to the fact that there are a set number of workers assigned to each shift. When you do not show up to your scheduled shift, the TEAM is affected by not only performing their duties but yours as well. This obviously, makes their jobs more difficult and can create poor work relationships. 

We understand that you are students first and employees second. However, as a provider of service to the 海角社区 community, we have a responsibility to provide a consistent level of service. Without the student work force, in appropriate numbers and at the proper time, it is difficult to provide that level of service. 

Your role, as a part of our TEAM is very important! Together Everyone Achieves More!

Standards of Attendance

Requesting a Sub

Students are required to find a substitute for any shift that they will miss for any reason. Requesting coverage is not designed to be a frequently used function; it is meant only for necessity. Students will be limited to a maximum of five (5) substitution requests per semester. Posting a substitution request does not automatically clear you of your shift responsibility. If you post a request that a co-worker does not volunteer and work for, you are still held responsible for the shift and the consequences of an incurred absence.

Simply log into the shift registry and select the shift you need coverage for to request a sub making sure to fill out all the required information and submit. Please note that students will be limited to placing requests at least 2 hours prior to the beginning of their shift and encouraged do so days, weeks or months in advance. Also, students who request subs with consistent frequency should contact the Office to discuss any issues or options to change their work schedule. Missing three (3) shifts without having a working substitute will result in termination.

Those students who commit to subbing for a shift are now responsible for working it and any consequences for an incurred absence. If you become unable to cover the work shift, you have a minimum of 4 hours prior to the beginning of the shift to cancel it. Substitutes should inform the shift Captain upon arrival for whom they are subbing for, or if you work in a location with no Captains please document it on the daily attendance sign in form.

If you choose to become a sub for someone else鈥檚 shift and then become unable to do so, it becomes your responsibility to find a new sub. Confirmed subs that do not show up for their shift will be emailed that they have 1 unexcused absence on their attendance record. In order to avoid termination, students will be given the opportunity to erase their absence by scheduling and working an Amnesty or Make Up Shift.

Amnesty, Calls for Help & Make-Up Shifts

You may work one Amnesty, Call for Help or Make up Shift to erase one unexcused absence. Please note that these shifts will be in addition to your regularly scheduled shifts. Students are limited to a total of four (4) Make-up shifts per semester while Amnesty shifts and Calls for Help are unlimited.

  • Amnesty Shifts: Monthly special meal events or designated shifts during the year that require extra workers.
  • Make-up Shifts: A list of weekly shifts that are missing permanent student staffing to bring it up to maximum shift levels.
  • Calls for Help Shifts: Unusual circumstances require the department to request calls for help from its employees. Examples include but are not limited to: winter snow storms, staffing situations and an unusually high amount of sub requests.

Students who miss a shift will receive an email warning from the Dining Student Manager and are required to reply to address their missed shift attendance issue. Amnesty and Make-up Shifts can only be scheduled through the Office. Please note that students who miss a Letter Block Weekend shift can only make them up during another Letter Block Weekend shift.


  • Amnesty, Calls for Help and Make-up shifts cannot be combined with subbing for another co-worker.
  • Unexcused absences must be rectified at the end of each month.
  • Student employees will be held accountable for their attendance. Action is required to rectify any unexcused absences. Any student employee with a total of three (3) unexcused absences on their attendance record will be terminated from their position and cannot be rehired by Dining Services.

Illness or Injury Call-In Policy

In the event that you become ill or injured and cannot work, call your dining location prior to your shift. When you call in 鈥 please ask to speak with the Captain or Manager on duty. You can also call the Office and speak to the Dining Student Manager or Associate Director of Employment & Training. Only they can accept your calls. Student employees must secure a working substitute for any shift due to illness or injury. A note from an authorized medical authority or email from your class Dean will be required for all absences of three or more shifts, or for absences to document an illness, injury or physician visit. Please note that the campus Health Services does not provide medical notes unless they are attending to an ongoing medical condition.

Excused Absences 

Any absence from work due to a mandatory academic, Montserrat, varsity sport commitment or illness/injury can be excused. Requesting a sub is a mandatory responsibility of all student employees but additionally necessary to providing the level of customer service the community depends on. However, in the event that you can鈥檛 secure a sub, student employees must have an administrator, faculty, varsity coach or healthcare provider provide a form or email excusing you from you shift to clear the absence.

Official healthcare forms must be brought to the Office within one week鈥檚 time. Emails can be sent directly to:
Dining Student Manager:

Inclement Weather

The College DOES NOT close for inclement weather unless the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts declares a State of Emergency. However, Dining Services and its employees are considered essential personnel and must provide uninterrupted service. If a storm is forecasted that may hinder your ability to get to work, please secure a substitute for your missed shift as you will still be responsible for the shift.

Shelter in Place Order

In severe weather conditions, the College will make emergency plans to have limited services available. Students will be required to report to work to their specific Dining location that is designated as providing service. In the event that a 鈥淪helter in Place鈥 order is put in place, student staff will be notified of their work reporting obligations and any updates after it has been lifted. All official communication will be provided on the College website and email from authorized emergency campus team members.

Montserrat Events & Personal Emergencies

Any student who has a Montserrat event to attend must request a sub. These events can leave a shift critically short handed due the large amount of first year students involved in each cluster 鈥 in turn making the work load heavy and affecting the level of service. For planning purposes, as soon as your Montserrat schedule has been confirmed, place your sub requests into the shift registry. In the case of a serious or emergency situation, the Office must be notified as soon as possible. Emergencies are defined as a health related situation requiring medical attention or a family emergency. The Employment Coordinator will make the judgment on the status of these absences on a case-by-case basis.

Working Extra Shifts

All Dining student employees are permitted to work extra shifts providing they have the Manager鈥檚 permission and the shift is understaffed. Please note that working extra shifts beyond your scheduled ones do not make up for unexcused absences. Working extra shifts are purely voluntary and unrelated to your absence record. A total of 20 Hours between your regular schedule and shifts picked up is NOT to be exceeded, except for in unusual circumstances.