After Graduation

Famous and Prominent Philosophy Majors 


Online Resources

  • (PDF)
    “Philosophy majors consistently perform best or near best on graduate school admission exams, year after year and across various sections compared to other majors,” according to this report issued by the American Philosophical Association.
  • (PDF)
    “Philosophy majors consistently perform best or near best on graduate school admission exams, year after year and across various sections compared to other majors,” according to this report issued by the American Philosophical Association. 

Graduate Study in Philosophy

“The guide compiles data on both doctoral and master’s degree programs in philosophy at institutions throughout the US and Canada, offering prospective students, job candidates, and other members of the profession a rich resource on post-graduate education and employment in philosophy,” according to the website.

Brian Leiter's famous rankings of graduate programs, predominantly analytic, so not very insightful on continental, American pragmatist, and other programs.

Graduate Study in Philosophy Primer

Philosophy professor Lawrence Cahoone offers a primer for students thinking about pursuing graduate study in philosophy. Learn more »

º£½ÇÉçÇø Philosophy Majors Teaching Philosophy

  • Joseph Bulbulia ’90, School of Art History, Classics and Religious Studies, Victoria University, New Zealand 
  • Ann Cahill ’91, professor of philosophy, Elon University 
  • Maria Cimitile ’90, professor of philosophy, Grand Valley State University 
  • Robert Dobie ’88, associate professor of philosophy, LaSalle University 
  • Joseph Forte ’04, assistant professor, Northeast Catholic University 
  • Andrew Jussaume ’10, visiting assistant professor, Boston College 
  • Timothy Jussaume ’06, assistant professor, St. Leo University 
  • Robert Kane ’60, professor of philosophy, University of Texas at Austin 
  • Mary Catherine MacDonald ’03, assistant professor, Old Dominion University
  • Michael Naas ’82, professor of philosophy, DePaul University 
  • Jason Wirth ’85, Professor of Philosophy, Seattle University 

Alumni Testimonials


Recent alumni share their experiences as philosophy majors, and how it’s helped launch their post-grad lives. 

Andrew Jussaume ’10
Ph.D. candidate, Philosophy, Duquesne University

“Philosophy teaches us the critical thinking skills required to be successful in a professional career, training us how to evaluate arguments and solve complex problems. But even more importantly, it instills in us the intellectual curiosity necessary for a life well-lived. The º£½ÇÉçÇø philosophy department cultivated this appreciation for the power and beauty of thought in me. It is why I have chosen to pursue philosophy as a career, passing along the same training I received to my students.”

Michael Lodato ’14
Marketing assistant, Good Directions, Inc.

“The philosophy major at º£½ÇÉçÇø taught me how to hold my own in a debate and how to ask the right kinds of questions. Being comfortable with debate and discussion has been a huge advantage in the real world, especially at a job that requires a lot of critical thinking. Philosophy is a unique major because not only are you trained in an exciting discipline, you are also exposed to ideas that can change your life.”

Molly Mahan ’08
Law student, Harvard University

“I had been always fascinated by the seemingly universal questions intrinsic to most [good] literature. Fortunately, I was placed in a philosophy-based first-year seminar, where I learned that ruminating over universals apparently had its own legitimate discipline. I was hooked. Guided by brilliant, devoted, and kind faculty, I was shown how the study of philosophy cannot only expand one's critical reasoning and emotional insight, but also provide incredible comfort. I agree with the sentiment that a philosophy degree provides students with a particularly strong, complementary foundation for the study of nearly all other disciplines — it even helped me with accounting when I worked as an assistant bursar.”

Amanda Osowski ’14
Law Student, Emory University

“Graduating with a degree in philosophy was the best academic decision I have ever made for myself. The professors in the department, in addition to being wonderful mentors both socially and academically, were consistently excited about the class material, which always kept me engaged. For me, philosophy was not just a major. Rather, it became an entirely new way of going about my daily life. I feel excited and exceedingly prepared to take what I have learned throughout my study of philosophy and apply it to my current study of law.”

Maria Salame ’11
Law student, Columbia University

“With each one of my philosophy classes I was challenged to articulate and shape my own views and opinions. That skill has helped me in every leg of my career since graduation, from spending two years in the financial services industry and now more than ever as I pursue my law degree. Philosophy is also a great major to compliment other interests that you are thinking of pursuing at º£½ÇÉçÇø. I was a philosophy and economics double major. I still keep in touch with fellow philosophy majors and professors and consider those relationships to be some of the strongest that I formed while at º£½ÇÉçÇø.”

Adriana Sarni ’13
Analyst, Center for Applied Research

“Choosing to become a philosophy major was the single best decision I made at º£½ÇÉçÇø. I currently work as an analyst at a management consulting firm. Every day I call upon the critical thinking abilities I have acquired while studying philosophy. It has provided me with an exceptional ability to write and present analytic frameworks — unique and valuable skill when working in any finance or management consulting firm. I can honestly say that I attribute much (if not all) of my success in the world of business to my experiences throughout my undergraduate major and the tremendous professors I had in the º£½ÇÉçÇø philosophy department.”


º£½ÇÉçÇø Philosophy Graduates Talk About Their Careers