
Housed under the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, students work closely with faculty and their advisors to create their own unique Catholic Studies curriculum. Choosing from at least three disciplines, students create a major or minor path of study that supports their individual interests and passion.

Self-Designed Major

A multidisciplinary major in Catholic Studies requires:

  • 14 courses (max) from at least three disciplines within the competence of the College faculty.
  • A proposal that includes a statement of intellectual rationale for the proposed field of study, an outline of courses already taken, and a plan of proposed courses. Proposals are written in consultation with the Catholic Studies advisor, the director of the  and two faculty sponsors based in departments related to the proposed major.
  • Letters of support from faculty sponsors.


A multidisciplinary minor in Catholic Studies requires:

  • 6 courses from at least three disciplines within the competence of the College faculty.
  • A proposal similar to that for the student-designed major though on a smaller scale. Students may design their own minor, or use a faculty-designed template as a basis for their course work and study.



CLAS 112 Greek Myths in Literature

LATN 350 Augustine’s Confessions


HIST 111-01 Rise of the Christian West to AD 1000

Religious Studies

RELS 139 Understanding Jesus

RELS 280 Liberation Theology

RELS 116 Catholicism

Religious Studies

RELS 116 Catholicism

RELS 219 Christian Prayer

RELS 139 Understanding Jesus

RELS 295 Un tal Jesús (In Spanish)

RELS 299 Global Catholicism

RELS 243 Medical Ethics

RELS 234 Conflicts in the Church

RELS 204 Early Christian Monasticism

RELS 115 Angels and Demons


PHIL 288 Ethics of Aristotle & Aquinas


HIST 112 Emerging Europe 1000-1500


CLAS 114 Discerning God and Discovering Self Class


MUSC 260 Gregorian Chant

Apply to the Major or Minor