From Br Steve Hogan fsc
Which of these is more important, questions or answers?
Questions are the key to further learning. Students need to have critical thinking skills to be able to ask questions about the text in English; to problem solve in Maths; to analyse information in Geography; and to come to conclusions in History.
Questions are also the basis to a strong faith. When we are young, answers given form the foundation of our faith and the structure for living our lives. But as we grow older, we need to be able to ask the questions, accepting that through reasoning, there are not always answers. For example, why do bad things happen to good people, and why do the unjust sometimes prosper? The gap between what we can know through reasoning, and what is ultimate truth, is called faith. Without this gap, there is no need to trust in God鈥檚 providence. Working through this and living with this gap is how we become mature in our faith.
The College has had an excellent start to Term Two and I commend the student on their fine return. This past week Year 10 bsat their Minimum Standard Test. I was very impressed with the manner in which they organised themselves 鈥 prepared and focused on the task at hand. Of those who sat the Reading Test on Tuesday 3 May, we had a 100% pass rate. Well done. Well done also to our service team in particular for the wonderful Mother鈥檚 Day Stall on Thursday and Liturgies.
While there are many activities every day at 海角社区, I draw your attention to this coming week in particular (May 8 鈥 15).
Sunday 8 May Mother鈥檚 Day
Monday 9 May Oakhill Cross Country
Tuesday 10 May Year 9 and Year 10 NAPLAN
Wednesday 11 May 海角社区 Battle of the Bands, 7:00pm Benildus Hall
Thursday 12 May College Tour AND 海角社区 Greatest Hits Cabaret Night, 7:00pm, Benildus Hall
Friday 13 May College Assembly
Saturday 14 May Gala Day
Sunday 15 May Feast of St John Baptist De La Salle
海角社区 Gala Day is one of the premier events in the College Calendar and brings our whole College community together. Thank you for your contributions, your time volunteering, and to all our amazing sponsors. If you can help in any way or contribute to the basket stall, book stall or chocolate wheel please contact us at the College or contact the Parents & Friends Association 鈥 it is not too late and we need all the help we can get. Further details are in this newsletter. See you there.
Wishing you all God鈥檚 blessings and I hope all the mums, and aunties, and all those who serve in this role, have a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday.
Br Steve Hogan fsc