The º£½ÇÉçÇø Careers Advisors provide the following services:
- Careers Classes fortnightly for Year 10 Students
- Subject Selection advice to Year 10 students moving to Year 11 and for Year 11 students wanting to alter their HSC study options
- Advice on university, TAFE or private tertiary college study options
- Assistance to students applying for industry cadetships, scholarships and Educational Access Schemes
- Skills Identification and Careers Interest Testing
- Assistance with individual students’ Work Experience programmes
- Job Search skills including resume preparation, interview skills for casual/holiday positions, apprenticeships, traineeships and cadetships
- Career Breakfasts where students have the opportunity to hear from alumni about career paths, degrees and the workforce
- Visits from Guest Speakers across several career pathways.
Appointments can be made by students directly, through the Careers staff.