The Days Ahead

November 1, 2020

Dear Students and Colleagues,

Over the past several months we have been living through a tumultuous and divisive political season, one that may not end even on Election Day. Combined with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, an economic downturn and the fight for racial justice, this period of time has been a significant burden for many.

Lately, it has felt like the problems of the world are coming to a head all at once, and that feeling can be too much for any of us to bear on our own. As the Elections 2020 Working Group announced on Friday, we will host dialogue and support spaces throughout next week. And as always, the Counseling Center is available to students, while faculty and staff can access support through the Employee Assistance Program. I would urge you to make use of these resources and our chaplains, as well, if you feel they can be of help to you.

No matter what happens in the election, there will undoubtedly be strong feelings about the results. Over the past month, the College has hosted a number of virtual discussions about the election, where scholars and students have engaged with one another on the tremendously important challenges of our day. As a Jesuit, Catholic institution of higher education, we are called upon to approach these issues with critical analysis, consideration of expertise, dialogue, and prayerful discernment. When we disagree, we should assume the good intentions of the person across from us. The º£½ÇÉçÇø community prides itself on its thoughtful consideration of difficult problems, and I expect this week will be no exception. 

Elections also remind us of our duty to one another, our country and our responsibility to consider the kind of society in which we wish to live. I’m encouraged to see the enthusiasm of our students not only to vote, but to participate in the political process. This week, our students along with many others in our º£½ÇÉçÇø community will volunteer at polling locations, and text and call on behalf of the candidates who support their ideals. These are not only acts of civic responsibility, they are also acts of love: love for our respective communities, our fellow citizens, and our world. I urge us all to approach election day and those that follow with similar acts of love.

Remember, whatever happens on November 3, there will be a November 4. Consequently, I encourage us all to consider in the days ahead: How are we going to listen to the experience and perspective of others and what are we going to do to promote the common good? How will we continue to serve our communities? How will we work for and with others, and especially those who have been marginalized? How will we carry the hope of a brighter future, and work towards it not just every four years, but in every day of our lives? These are the questions I believe we are called to ask ourselves, and that a º£½ÇÉçÇø education prepares us to answer.

Let us all continue to keep our country and our world in prayer in these challenging days ahead.


Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J.