Florencia K. Anggoro

faculty member with floral dress standing in front of brown doors with her arms crossed and smiling

Psychology Department

Ph.D.,Northwestern University

Fields:Conceptualdevelopment; science learning; relational thinking; culture, language, andcognition

Office Phone: 508-793-2748
Office: Beaven 323
PO Box: 224A
Zoom Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00-2:00 pm, Wednesdays 9:30-10:30 am, and by appointment


How do humans think and learn? Myresearch focuses on conceptual development in different contexts, specifically,how language, culture, and formal learning experiences shape children’s andadults’knowledge about the world.In one line of research, I have examined how people’sconceptions of the biological world are shaped by the naming practices of theircommunities. A second line of research examines the conditionsthat support children’s learning in the STEM disciplines. In an IES-fundedproject, we are exploring ways to support children’s spatial-relationalthinking in elementary astronomy. Specifically, we are testing whethersuccessivecomparisons of different perspectives of the solar system (i.e.,Earth-based vs. space-based)helpchildren integrate the differentperspectives and betterunderstand scientific explanations of the day-nightcycle.


  • MONT 102S Culture in Mind: Cognitive Development (Fall)
  • MONT 103S Culture in Mind: Language and Thought (Spring)
  • PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSYC 225 Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 237 Psychology of Language
  • PSYC 326 Cognition Across Cultures

Selected Publications

Jee, B. D., &Anggoro, F. K.(2021). Designing exhibits tosupport children’s relational learning in a sciencemuseum.Frontiers in Psychology:Developmental Psychology.

*Gaudreau,C. M.,Anggoro, F. K., & Jee, B. D. (2020) Children’s spontaneous gestures reflect verbalunderstanding of the day/night cycle.Frontiers in Psychology: Developmental Psychology. * student co-author

Jee, B. D. &Anggoro, F. K.(2019). Relational scaffoldingenhances children’s understanding of scientificmodels.Psychological Science, 30(9), 1287-1302.

Anggoro, F. K. (2014).Languagedefies logic? Naming practicestrumplogicalconsistency for Indonesian adults.Journal ofCognitionand Culture, 14(3-4).

Jee, B. D.,& Anggoro, F. K. (2012). Comic cognition: Exploring the potentialcognitive impacts of science comics.Journalof Cognitive Education and Psychology, 11(2), 196-208.

Anggoro, F. K.(2012). A mammal that is not an animal? Naming and theanimalconcept in English and Indonesian speakers.Journal of Cognition and Culture, 12(1-2),31-48.

Gentner, D.,Anggoro, F. K., & Klibanoff, R. S. (2011). Structure mapping and relationallanguage support children’s learning of relational categories.Child Development, 82(4), 1173-1188.

Anggoro, F. K.,Medin, D. L., & Waxman, S. R. (2010). Language and experience influencechildren’s biological induction.Journalof Cognition and Culture, 10(1-2), 171-187

Anggoro, F. K.,Waxman, S. R., & Medin, D. L. (2008). Naming practices and the acquisitionof key biological concepts: Evidence from English and Indonesian.Psychological Science, 19(4), 314-319.

Selected Awards

  • 2020-2025“Exploring Religious Cognition andDevelopment in Indonesia.” Templeton Foundation subaward through theUniversityof California, Riverside. Role: PI.
  • 2020-2023 “The Development of Scientific and ReligiousConcepts in Indonesia.” Templeton Foundation subaward through the University ofTexas at Austin. Role: PI.
  • 2019-2022 “Scaffolding to Highlight Abstract Patterns inExhibits.” Scholarship in Action Grant, . Role: PI.
  • 2015-2020 “Seeds of STEM: The Development of An Innovative EarlyChildhood STEM Curriculum.” Institute of EducationSciences,U.S. Department of Education. Role: Co-PI.
  • 2015-2018 “When STARS Align: Exploring Spatial Thinking AndRelational Scaffolding (STARS) in Elementary Astronomy.” Instituteof Education Sciences,U.S. Departmentof Education. Role: PI.


  • June 24, 2020:
  • Telegram & Gazette, Oct. 20, 2015:
  • Oct. 15, 2015: