ࡱ>  bjbjCC H))Aq@| | 8,(32222222$7M:n 3 3#3###2#2##F-.PQs@!.2303,.b:!0:4.#..D 3 3#3:| * :   CLAUDIA ROSS Department of Modern Languages and Literatures Box 11A Worcester, MA 01610-2395 tel: 508 793-3335 email: cross@holycross.edu EDUCATION Ph.D. Linguistics, The University of Michigan, 1978. M.A. Linguistics, The University of Michigan, 1973. B.A. Linguistics, Barnard College, Columbia University, 1971. TEACHING , Department of Modern Languages, Chinese Language, Linguistics, and Culture: 2000-present, Professor of Chinese language and linguistics 1991-1999, Associate Professor of Chinese language and linguistics with Tenure. 1987-1991, Assistant Professor of Chinese language and linguistics. 1982-87. Assistant Professor, Linguistics, Department of English, Purdue University. 1979-82. Assistant Professor. Chinese language and linguistics, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cornell University. PUBLICATIONS Books 2018. Modern Mandarin Chinese, The Routledge Course, Level 1, Second revised edition, Textbook and Workbook, co-authored with Baozhang He, Pei-Chia Chen, and Meng Yeh. London and New York: Routledge. 2016. Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar, German edition (Moderne chinesiche Grammatik - Ein praktischer Leitfaden der chinesischen Hochsprache - s(WSN[: sNIll), by Claudia Ross and Jing-heng Sheng Ma, translated by Katrin Buchta, Chinabooks E. Wolf, Zrich, Switzerland. 2016. Modern Mandarin Chinese Workbook, German edition (Moderne chinesische Grammatik - bungsbuch - s(WSN[: sNIll), by Claudia Ross, Baozhang He, and Pei-chia Chena, translated by Katrin Buchta, Chinabooks E. Wolf, Zrich, Switzerland. 2016. Difficult Grammar Knots Unraveled 0u㉐g Yunnan Jix+ 0, Huang Nansong, Hu Wenze, and He Baozhang, with English editorial assistance by Claudia Ross. Beijing: Peking University Press. 2015. Workbook for Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar, Second Edition, coauthored with Baozhang He and Pei-Chia Chen. London and New York: Routledge. (Second revised edition in progress.) 2014. Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar, Second Edition, coauthored with Ma Jing-heng Sheng. London and New York: Routledge. 2010. Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese, Level 1, Textbook and Workbook, Simplified Character edition and Traditional Character edition, co-authored with Baozhang He, Pei-Chia Chen, and Meng Yeh. London and New York: Routledge. 2011. Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese, Level 2, Textbook and Workbook, Simplified Character edition and Traditional Character edition, co-authored with Baozhang He, Pei-Chia Chen, and Meng Yeh. London and New York: Routledge Press. (Second edition in preparation.) 2010. Chinese Demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2008. The Lady in the Painting, a Basic Chinese Reader, Expanded Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2004. Schaums Outline of Chinese Grammar: Schaums Outline Series. New York: McGraw Hill. 2001. Traditional Chinese Tales: A Course in Intermediate Chinese, New Haven: Yale University Press. Articles 2016. Everson, M.E., K. Chang, and C. Ross. Developing initial literacy in Chinese, in S.C. Wang & J.K. Peyton, eds. CELIN Briefs Series. New York, NY: Asia Society. 2016. Guiding Principles for Early Literacy Experiences for Beginning Learners of Chinese, by H. Curtain, M. Everson, C. Kotenbeutel, Y. King, M. Lavadenz, P. Liu, and C. Ross. Commissioned by the National Foreign Language Center, The University of Maryland, as a resource for StarTalk programs. https://startalk.umd.edu/public/system/files/resources/curtain_earlyliteracy.pdf 2012:  ^vvtX W%RYePg}dv`0-[e (CFL Teaching Materials for Students without Chinese Background: Issues, Approach, and Execution) eYex[xvz (Journal of Chinese Language Teaching) 9.3:31-46, 2012, co-authored with Baozhang He. 2010: A Brand New Experiment on Country Specific Textbook Compilation: The Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese (IlV+RSYePgQe\Ջ 0RoutledgesNIlYe z 0) co-authored with Baozhang He. Overseas Chinese Education. 56:23-30. 2008. Perfective N le and Verb-Object Strings in Mandarin. co-authored with Baozhang He. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. 43.2.47-76. 2002. Aspectual Category Shift in Mandarin Chinese, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 30.2.343-369. 2001. Evaluating Chinese Textbooks, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 36.2.1-22. 1998. Cognate Objects and the Realization of Thematic Structures in Mandarin Chinese, in Jerome Packard, ed., New Approaches to Chinese word Formation, pp. 329-346. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1997. Language and Law: Sources of Systematic Vagueness and Ambiguous Authority in Chinese Statutory Language. University of British Columbia Law Review Volume 31, Number 1, pp. 205-253. Co-authored with Lester Ross. A somewhat revised version of this paper appears in Turner et al., eds., The Rule of Law in China, Seattle: University of Washington Press. (2000). 1997. The Framework for Post-Basic Chinese. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 32.3.51-56. 1995. Temporal and Aspectual Reference in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 23.1.87-136. 1991. Coverbs and Category Distinctions in Mandarin. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 19.1.79-115. 1990. Resultative Verb Compounds. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association 25.3.61-83. 1985. Compound Nouns in Mandarin. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association 20.3.1-22. 1984. Adverbial Change: Implications for a Theory of Lexical Change. Papers from the Parasession on Lexical Semantics, 243-249. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1984. Grammatical Categories in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association 19.2.1-22. 1984. Adverbial Modification in Mandarin. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 12.2.207-234. 1983. On the Functions of Mandarin de. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 11.2.214-246. 1982. Prenominal Modification in Japanese and Mandarin Chinese (with Chisato Kitagawa). Linguistic Analysis 9.1.19-53. 1981. Zero Pronominalization in Mandarin and a Formulation of Core. Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society 17.343-352. 1979. Inferences of Opposition in Modern Chinese Texts. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association 14.3.1-26. 1979. On the Line Between Syntax and Semantics: The Case of Binary Oppositional Contrast. The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels, 175-183. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1978. Constraints on Contrast Conjoining: English and Mandarin Chinese. Cahiers de Linguistique-Asie Orientale 1.4.23-42. 1978. The Rightmost Principle of Sentence Negation. Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Vol. 4.416-429. also appears in Yasui ed. 1980. Selected Theses on Linguistics, Tokyo: Eichosa Co., Ltd., 172-19l. 1977. Reporting Styles as Discourse Strategies. Papers in Japanese Linguistics 5.243-259. Reviews 2012. Using Chinese Synonyms by Grace Qiao Zhang, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 47.2.99-102. 1994. Review of A Changing Text for a Changing China. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 39.3.107-110. 1991. Nezha Conquers the Dragon King, Computers and Education 17.4.301-303. 1989. Functionalism and Chinese Grammar, Tai, H-T and F.S. Hsueh, eds. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association 25.1.115-119. CONFERENCE and SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS Keynote Speaker 2016. Research-Informed CFL Literacy Instruction for the 21st Century, Training Center 60th Anniversary Symposium: Contemporary Teaching and Learning Chinese - Legacy and Innovation, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28-29, 2016. 2016. Chinese character literacy from research to practice, Five College Chinese Teaching Pedagogy Workshop, Smith College, Northhampton MA, March 25. 2015. "CFL Literacy Instruction: From Research Findings to Classroom Instruction," Annual Meeting of the German Association of Chinese Language Teachers, Gttingen, September 24-26. Workshop Leader 2018. Designed and led two one-hour webinars as part of the ACTFL/STARTALK Heritage Language Learners (HLL) Project: Addressing HLLs Interpretive Reading Needs, (July19); Supporting Development of HLLs Interpersonal Communication and Discussion Skills, (August 8). 2017.Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Performance Assessments: Interpretive Mode, Ying Hua Academy, Minneapolis, MN, December 1. Ying Hua Academy is a Chinese language immersion school for grades K-8. I was invited by ACTFL and the director of Ying Hua Academy to conduct this 1-day workshop. 2017 and 2016. ACTFL presenter for the STARTALK infrastructure grant project on Reading and Word Frequency for K-5 Immersion Students in Mandarin. Designed and lead a two-day workshop focusing on ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, Performance Standards, Tiered vocabulary, and AAPL assessment tasks.Loyola-Marymount University, Los Angeles, July 10-11. Conference Presentations 2017. Developing inferential reading comprehension skills in Chinese, (panel organizer and presenter), ACTFL Annual Meeting, Nashville, November 17-19. 2017. Teaching higher level reading comprehension in Chinese, (panel organizer and presenter). Startalk Fall Conference, Portland, Oregon. November 3-4. 2017. Guiding students towards inferential reading in Chinese, NECLTA New England Chinese Language Teachers Association) Annual Meeting, Tufts University, October 21. 2016. Startalk Fall Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. October 14-15, 2016. 1. Microteaching Chinese literacy skills, copresenter with Baozhang He, Sara Chao, and Brooke Cheng. 2. Planning through Guiding Principles for Early Literacy Experiences for Beginning Learners of Chinese, copresenter with Michael Everson and Helena Curtain. 2016. Optimizing the Character Load in a Beginning level Chinese Course, NECLTA (New England Chinese Language Teachers Association) Annual Meeting, , October 29, 2016. 2016. ACTFL/CLTA Using formative assessment to guide reading literacy development in CFL. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. Boston, November 20-21. 2017. National Chinese Language Conference, Houston, TX April 6-8, 2017. 1. Chinese Character Load: Using Research to Guide Practice, Panel organizer and co-presenter (with Meng Yeh) 2. Guiding Principles for Early Literacy Experiences for Beginning Learners of Chinese, Co-Presenter (with Michael Everson): 3. Invited plenary participant: A Decade of Progress: Reflections on the Last 10 Years in the Field 2016. Principles for Chinese Language Literacy Instruction, Helena Curtain, Yalan King, Magaly Lavadenz, Ping Liu, Claudia Ross, Startalk Spring Conference, invited presentation. Minneapolis, MN, May 6-7. 2016. Best Practices in Chinese Literacy Development. (Panel organizer, chair, and presenter), National Chinese Language Conference, Chicago, April 28-30. 2015. ACTFL. Character Learning and Literacy Development. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. San Diego, November 20-21. 2015. Best Practices in CFL Reading Literacy Development [Invited proposal submission, panel organizer,chair, and presenter]. Startalk Fall Conference, Orlando, October 16-17. 2015. Best Practices in CFL Reading Literacy Development, NECLTA (New England Chinese Language Teachers Association) Annual Meeting, Providence, October 3. 2015. Aligning Chinese textbooks with learning goals. Worldwide Chinese Language Teaching and Culture Symposium, Tufts University, Medford, May 3. 2015. Best Practices in CFL Reading Literacy Development. Panel organizer, chair, and presenter. National Chinese Language Conference, Atlanta, April 16-18. 2014. StarTalk Program on Chinese Literacy Development: Reading and Writing. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. San Antonio, November 21-23. 2014. Best Practices in Chinese Literacy Development. National Chinese Language Conference, Los Angeles, May 8-10. 2014. Adapting Authentic Materials for CFL learners and the Role of Pinyin in the CFL learning experience. 8th Annual Chinese Education Conference, Salt Lake City, March 8-10. 2013. Teaching Reading to CFL learners: From Research to Practice. (Keynote Speaker) 12th International Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 27-29. 2013. Training Master Teachers: STARTALK Program on Chinese Literacy Development. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. Orlando, November 22-24. 2013. Chinese Reading: Research-Supported Instruction. STARTALK Fall Conference, Portland, October 18-19. 2013. Training Master Teachers: STARTALK Program on Chinese Literacy Development, STARTALK Spring Conference, Atlanta, May 2-4. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Chicago, April 25, 2013. 2013. Chinese Characters: Incorporating Best Practices in a 5 Cs Approach, National Chinese Language Conference. Boston, April 7-9. 2012. Character Literacy Research to Support Best Practices in CFL Instruction, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Philadelphia, November 16-18, 2012. 2012. A 5 Cs Approach to Chinese Characters, STARTALK Fall Conference, Atlanta, October 20. 2012. Linguistic Knowledge: Knowing About vs. Knowing How. International Symposium on Chinese Linguistics and Language Teaching, invited speaker. University of HawaiI at Manoa, May 29-30. 2011. CFL Teaching Materials for students without Chinese Language Background: Issues, Approach, and Execution. 10th Annual Meeting of the World Chinese Language Association, Taipei, Taiwan, December 26-28. 2011. Teaching Chinese Characters: Using Research to Guide Practice. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Association, Denver, Colorado, November 27-30. 2011. Developing Interactive Classroom Exercises. 3 hour workshop co-presented with Dr. Meng Yeh, CLTA Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Association, Colorado, November 27. 2010. Building Discourse Literacy in Chinese, Panel organizer, chair, and presenter, National Chinese Language Conference, San Franciso California, April 14-16. 2010. Building Literacy Skills in the Basic Chinese Curriculum Chinese Language Teachers Association, Panel organizer, chair, and presenter. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Boston, MA, November 19-21. 2009. How Long Does It Take To Learn Chinese. Keynote speaker, 2009 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Texas, San Antonio, August 30. 2009. "The Integration of Form, Function and Communication," Panel Organizer, Chair, and Presenter, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, San Diego, CA. 2008. Tricks of the Trade: Teaching Elementary Mandarin Chinese Grammar. 3-hour workshop co-organizer and presenter, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Orlando, FL. 2008. Building Chinese Studies into the Curriculum. Invited lecture. Associated Colleges of the South Conference on Chinese Studies, Lexington, VA, October 17-19. 2007. Learner-Friendly Chinese Grammar. 3-hour invited workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Association, San Antonio, TX. 2006. A reanalysis of Verb-Object compounds in Mandarin and the placement of le. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Nashville, TN 2005. Teaching Jiao [Ye  S ], New England Teaching Forum for Chinese Language Instructors, Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office and Harvard University. 2004.  Chinese Language Studies: the State of the Field. Annual meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Chicago. 2003. A report on Modern Early Childhood Programs in CSL. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. 2002. Chinese Language Instruction in the US: The State of the Field. First Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association of Greater New York, New York City. 2001. A Multi-Skills, Multi-Media Text for the Low-Intermediate Level. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. Washington, D.C. 2000. Chinese Language Programs and Area Studies. Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Boston, MA. 2000. Technology Enhanced Applications for Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages. New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Brown University, Providence, RI. 2000. Segmenting Semantic Space: Prepositions in Chinese and English. Princeton University Conference on Chinese Language Teaching. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. 1999. Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategies. International Conference on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning. Columbia University, New York. 1998. What Level is that Intermediate Level Textbook? Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Chicago, IL. 1997. Instructional Material for Teaching Chinese: The First 15 Hours (panel discussant), Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Nashville, TN. 1997. Chinese Language Learning Frameworks: A Report to the Field (panel organizer and chair), Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Philadelphia, PA. 1997. Applications of Linguistic Theory to Chinese Language Teaching: The Aspectual Structure of Chinese Verbs and the Teaching of Resultative Verbs , Princeton University Conference on Chinese Language Teaching, Princeton, NJ. 1997. Tech Fair Presentation, Conference on Technology and Language Instruction for the 21st Century, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT. 1996. What Every Sinologist Needs to Know: A Report to the Field by the national Task Forces on Basic and Post-Basic Chinese (panel organizer and chair), Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Honolulu. 1996. Practical Concerns in the Improvement of the Language Learning Frameworks (panel discussant), National Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Washington D.C. 1995. Turning Conventional Textbooks into Multimedia Instructional Material, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Annahein. 1995. Aspectual Categories and Aspectual Structure, Joint Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and the North American Association of Chinese Linguistics, Madison. 1994. Learning Meaning Through Linguistic Features, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Atlanta. 1994. Roundtable on Articulation Between Secondary and College Chinese and Japanese Language Programs (panel chair), New England Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Worcester. 1994. Overview of Chinese Word Processing Software (panel chair); Chinese Language Kit (presenter), New England Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Worcester. 1994. Providing a Link: The College SAT-II Chinese Test, 41st Annual Meeting of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City. 1993. After Study Abroad, What Next? Introducing the International Ambassadors Program, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, San Antonio. 1993. Language and Law: Sources of Systemic Vagueness and Ambiguous Authority in Chinese Statutory Construction, Conference on Chinese Law: A Reexamination of the Field, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. 1993. The Intersection of Lexical and Predicate Aspect, The Fifth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Newark, DE. 1992. On the Interaction of Thematic and Temporal Structure in the Mandarin Verb, The Fourth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Ann Arbor. 1991. Aspectual and Thematic Interaction in the Mandarin Verb, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C. 1991. Aspectual and Thematic Interaction in the Mandarin Verb, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C. 1991. Ambiguous Authority in Chinese Statutory Constructions, Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, New Orleans. 1990. Cognate Object Verbs, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Nashville. 1990. Where English Speakers Fail: An Analysis of Major Problems in Chinese Language Acquisition by English Speakers (with He Wenchao), Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Nashville. 1990. Resultative Verb Compounds, Second Northeast Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Philadelphia. 1989. Systematic Vagueness in Chinese, 22nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics. Honolulu. 1989. Tense and Time in Mandarin, Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Boston. 1989. Some Remarks on ba, First Northeast Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Columbus. 1987. Passive, Movement and Thematic Role, Workshop on Chinese Linguistics, New London. 1987. Case and Categories in Mandarin, Ohio State Symposium on Chinese Linguistics, Columbus. 1986. Case and Control in Mandarin Chinese, 19th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Columbus. 1985. Introduction to Government and Binding Theory, Linguistic Symposium, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing. (6 lectures) 1984. The Syntax of Serial Verb Constructions, 59th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore. 1984. Word Formation and Word Analysis in Mandarin, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association and the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Chicago. 1984. Adverbs and Adverbials in Mandarin Chinese, 17th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Eugene. 1984. Adverbial Change: Implications for the Lexicon, Parasession of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago. 1983. Some Thoughts on Pro-Drop in Japanese, Chicago Colloquium on Japanese Linguistics, Chicago. 1983. Grammatical Categories in Mandarin Chinese, 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco. 1982. Agreement and Properties of Empty Categories, Cornell Conference on Government and Binding Theory, Ithaca. 1981. Lexicalized Performatives, 56th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New York. 1981. Adverbial Modification in Mandarin, 23rd Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies, Columbus. Also presented at the 14th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Jacksonville. 1981. Zero Pronominalization in Mandarin and a Formulation of Core, 17th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago. 1980. On the Functions of Mandarin de, 13th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Charlottesville. 1980. Embedding Constraints in Mandarin Syntax, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Washington D.C. 1978. Inferences of Opposition: the Semantic Consequences of Syntactic Structure in Modern Chinese Texts, 11th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Tucson. 1978. The Status of Opposition in Systems of Contrast Conjoining, Summer Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Urbana-Champaign. 1978. The Rightmost Principle of Sentence Negation, 14th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago. 1977. On the Deficiencies of the Coordinate Constituent Constraint, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Chicago. 1977. Constraints on Contrast Conjoining in Mandarin, 10th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Washington, D.C. 1977. Topic Related Functions of Japanese Adversative Conjunctions, Summer Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Honolulu. Invited Talks 2016. Developing L2 Literacy in Chinese. University of Connecticut Professional Development Workshop, December 15, Storrs, CT. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Chinese Language Teaching Field Program Director, Read On: Training Modules for Literacy in Chinese (STARTALK-funded, 10-day residential workshop on Chinese literacy for K-16 teachers of Chinese), 2012-2018. New England Chinese Language Teachers Association, Board member 2014-present. Conference organizer (with Baozhang He), NECLTA annual Meeting, , October 29, 2016. Chinese Language Teachers' Association. President Nov. 2009- Nov. 2010, 2001-2002, 1993-1994. Immediate Past President Nov. 2010-Nov. 2011. Member of the Board of Directors 2005-2007, 2000-2002, 1990-1993. Annual Meeting Program Chair 2006-2007, 1991-1992. Editorial Board member, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 2000-2004, 1990-1999, 1982-86. Organizing Committee Member, Chinese Education Conference, Salt Lake, Utah, March 8-9, 2014 Coordinating Committee Member, National Chinese Language Conference, San Francisco California, April 14-16, 2010. Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL). Invited member of several one and two-day committees convened to develop the MTEL exam for Chinese teacher certification. April 10 2014 (Qualifying Score Conference), February 10-11 (Marker Response Review Committee), April 2012 (Objective Review Conference) Articles referee, Language Annals, the Journal of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1992-present. Resident Director, CET Chinese Language Program, Beijing, 1985-1986, Jan-term Director 1996. Invited external program reviews: 2018. Williams College Chinese Program, April 19-20. 2016. Chinese language program, Loyola University, Baltimore, MD, March 2016. 2016, 2013. Chinese language program, WPI Department of Education USFIL Program Grant, September 2013, spring 2016. 2014. Chinese language program, Bryant University, November. 2011. Chinese studies program, Tulane University, March. 2011. Chinese language program, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, October. 1999. Evaluation team, Johns Hopkins-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies, Baltimore and Nanjing, May. COLLEGE and DEPARTMENT SERVICE at Department Chair Department of Modern Languages, 2016-2018, 2010-2013, 2001-2004. Program Coordination Chinese Language Program Coordinator, AY 2017-2018, most years 1987-2017. Deaf Studies Coordinator, 2017-2018. Arabic language program curriculum consultant, AY 2017-2018. Asian Studies Coordinator, 1998-99, 1995-96. International Studies Director, 1997-1998. student research advisor Co-advised two Chinese majors Y a  # . / H s v ¯vvvvdUFh NhL&CJOJQJaJh NhA!CJOJQJaJ"h NhA!5>*CJOJQJaJhPGCJOJQJaJh02CJOJQJaJh Nh).CJOJQJaJ"h Nh5>*CJOJQJaJ%hPGh56>*CJOJQJaJ"hPGh5>*CJOJQJaJhPG6CJOJQJaJh Nh6CJOJQJaJh NhCJOJQJaJ =_x X Y b  U ^^dhddh^d^ $da$gdPG $da$gdPG $ da$$da$ u v GHgdE^gdEgdg^gdg^gd02gdq5gd?  !gdA!dgdA! !d^  6Vprt8{k{ZGZG{Z{Z{Z{k{ZG$hhgCJOJPJQJ^JaJ hhgCJOJPJQJaJhhg>*CJOJQJaJhhgCJOJQJaJhghmOCJOJQJaJh02CJOJQJaJh NhmOCJOJQJaJhmO>*CJOJQJaJhmOhmO>*CJOJQJaJhmOhq5>*CJOJQJaJhmOhCJOJQJaJhq5hL&CJOJQJaJ4Nn ;tdtdtUtIh8hCJOJQJaJh}hnCJOJQJaJh}h8hCJOJQJaJo(h}h8hCJOJQJaJh}h8hCJOJQJaJo(h}h8h>*CJOJQJaJh}hNMCJOJQJaJhgCJOJQJaJhghgCJOJQJaJhhgCJOJQJaJ$hhgCJOJPJQJ^JaJ hhgCJOJPJQJaJBCRSfEGHMyٽͭ͑rrfWGh Nha|>*CJOJQJaJh@uhha|CJOJQJaJha|CJOJQJaJh Nh02CJOJQJaJh Nh02>*CJOJQJaJh02CJOJQJaJh shE6CJOJQJaJh sh s6CJOJQJaJh NhE>*CJOJQJaJhECJOJQJaJh NhECJOJQJaJh8hCJOJQJaJhNMCJOJQJaJy789?j,.NOViƶƪzk\M=Mh Nh1 J>*CJOJQJaJh Nh1 JCJOJQJaJh Nh;cCJOJQJaJh Nhx@CJOJQJaJh02h%>*CJOJQJaJha|h%6CJOJQJaJha|ha|6CJOJQJaJha|CJOJQJaJh@uhh%>*CJOJQJaJh Nh%CJOJQJaJh02CJOJQJaJhpha|6CJOJQJaJh Nha|CJOJQJaJH89OPNOfg^gdBK^gdvSqdgdL&^gd1 J^gdL&gda|^gd%gd?^gdpU4GfR  ӴӤӕvgXgXgXI:hvSqhntbCJOJQJaJhphBKCJOJQJaJhphB1GCJOJQJaJhphntbCJOJQJaJhphvSq6CJOJQJaJhphvSqCJOJQJaJh NhCJOJQJaJh NhL&>*CJOJQJaJh Nhkt>*CJOJQJaJh NhktCJOJQJaJh NhL&CJOJQJaJh Nh1 JCJOJQJaJh NhOdCJOJQJaJDF?@ =!>!!!!""z" d^ d^d^gdU$ `'d-DM ^a$gda(&Fh0@tw< e ԹԪ{i{ZJZJZJZJZJZ:h Nh5CJOJQJaJh Nh>*CJOJQJaJh NhCJOJQJaJ#h Nh1 J>*CJOJPJQJaJ h Nh1 JCJOJPJQJaJh Nh1 JCJOJQJaJh NhUCJOJQJaJh NhJCJOJQJaJ4h Nha(&B*CJOJPJQJ\aJnHphtH-h Nha(&B*CJOJQJaJnHphtH'hvSqB*CJOJQJaJnHphtH !j!!!!! 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Committee memberships (various years) Study Abroad Committee, 2010-2011, 2014-2015. College Curriculum Committee, Center for International and Special Studies Committee, Committee on Study Abroad, Committee on Study Away Experiences, Asian Studies Committee, Department of Modern Languages committees on assessment, tenure, review and hiring (most years including most recent: 2017-2018) AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS Principle Investigator and Program Coordinator, STARTALK funded workshops Read On: Training Modules for Literacy in Chinese, 2012-2018. Hewlett-Mellon Discretionary Fund Award, 2017 for MLL meetings to prepare for external review and to develop assessment rubrics. Also received Hewlett-Mellon funds in 2013, 2011, 2007, 2002, 1999, 1997, 1992. Faculty Fellowship, 2010, 1992. Fellowship for Research in Chinese Studies-Joint Committee on Chinese Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council. September 1984-May 1985. National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend. September 1975-June 1977. Social Science Research Council Fellowship for dissertation research in Japan and Taiwan, 1994. Rackham School of Graduate Studies Awards, The University of Michigan, 1974-5, 1973-4. Travel and Tuition Grant. Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Study in Taiwan, 1972-3. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP The Linguistic Society of America The Association for Asian Studies Modern Languages Association The Chinese Language Teachers' Association ACTFL, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages MAFLA, The Massachusetts Foreign Languages Association MLA, Modern Language Association. NECLTA, New England Chinese Language Teachers Association     August 30, 2018 - p.  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