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Victor Matheson and Robert Baumann, eds., (Springer, forthcoming). Climate Change Adaptation and Property Values: A Survey of the Literature. Lincoln Institute for Land Policy. August 2021. The Effect of Natural Disasters on Housing Prices: An Examination of the Fourmile Canyon Fire with Victor A. Matheson. Journal of Forest Economics 33 (Dec 2018), 1-7. Cutting Superfunds budget will slow toxic waste cleanups, threatening public health and property values. The Conversation, June 1, 2017. Decision-making for Late Phase Recovery from Major Nuclear or Radiological Incidents, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement, Report #175, Member of Scientific Committee 5-1, 2014. The Superfund Program in Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics edited by Jay Shogren. Elsevier Academic Press, 2012. Luck or Skill? An Examination of the Ehrlich-Simon Bet with Victor Matheson and Kevin Golembiewski. Ecological Economics 69(2010)1365-1367. Location, Location, Location: The 3L Approach to House Price Determination with J.E. Zabel. Journal of Housing Economics 17(2):175-190, 2008. Commentary on Regulation and Property Values in the United States: The High Cost of Monopoly by John M. Quigley in Land Policies and Their Outcomes edited by Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2007. The Impact of Superfund Sites on Local Property Values: Are All Sites the Same? with Michael Williams. Journal of Urban Economics 61(1):170-192 (2007). Environmental Contamination and House Values in Environmental Valuation: Interregional and Intraregional Perspectives edited by John I. Carruthers and Billy Mundy. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2006. Environmental Regulations and the Housing Market: A Review of the Literature Cityscape 8(1):187-207. http://www.huduser.org/periodicals/cityscpe/vol8num1/ch5.pdf A Survey of House Price Hedonic Studies of the Impact of Environmental Externalities with Melissa Boyle. Journal of Real Estate Literature 9(2):117-144 (2001). The Economic Benefits of Cleaning Superfund Sites with J.E. Zabel. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 22(2/3):163-184 (2001). Reprinted in The Economics of Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Land edited by Hilary Sigman, published by Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008. Estimating the Demand for Air Quality in Four Cities in the United States with J.E. Zabel. Land Economics 78(2):174-194 (2000). The Accuracy of Owner Provided House Values: The 1978-1991 American Housing Survey with J.E. Zabel. Real Estate Economics 27(2):263-298 (1999). Evaluating the Usefulness of the American Housing Survey for Creating House Price Indices with J. E. Zabel. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 14:189-202 (1997). Compensation Estimates for Home Owners from Environmental Disamenities with J.E. Zabel. Proceedings of the 89th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association (1996). House Price Recovery and Stigma After a Failed Siting with K.T. McClain. Applied Economics, 28:1351-1358 (1996). Received Highest Quality Rating by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence. House Price Differentials in U.S. Cities: Household and Neighborhood Racial Effects with J. E. Zabel. The Journal of Housing Economics, 5:143-165 (1996). Measuring the Impact of the Discovery and Cleaning of Identified Hazardous Waste Sites on House Values. Land Economics, 74(4):428-435 (1995). Using United States Census Data to Estimate the Demand for Air Quality with J.E. Zabel. In 1995 Annual Research Conference Papers and Proceedings, Bureau of the Census, 1995. The Effect of an Incinerator Siting on Housing Appreciation Rates with K. T. McClain. The Journal of Urban Economics, 37(3):311-323 (1995). House Prices During Siting Decision Stages: The Case of an Incinerator from Rumor Through Operation with K. T. McClain. The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 28(2): 241-255 (1995). Reprinted in Revealed Preference Approaches to Environmental Valuation vol II, edited by Joseph Herriges and Catherine L. Kling, Ashgate Publishing, June 2008. The Impact of House Price Appreciation on Household Mobility The Journal of Housing Economics 3:92-108 (1994). An Examination of Systematic Differences in the Appreciation of Individual Housing Units with Richard T. Carson. The Journal of Real Estate Research, 5(3): 301-318 (1990). RESEARCH PAPERS: The Impact of Provenance Law Enforcement on the Price of Antiquities with Katherine Tedesco and Melissa Boyle. June 2011. Under revision. The Impact of Wetlands Rules on the Prices of Regulated and Proximate Houses: A Case Study. August 2007. Working Paper #07-07. Under Revision. Toxic Sites and Housing Appreciation Rates: A Study of Market Adjustment. August 2006. Working Paper #06-07. An Analysis of the Impact of Multiple Environmental Goods on House Prices with Jennifer Bowen. December 2002. A Repeat Sales Analysis of the Impact of Multiple Environmental Goods on House Prices in St. Louis with Jennifer Bowen. December 2000. Working Paper #01-06. Jointly Estimating the Prices of Environmental Goods: St. Louis as a Case Study with Jennifer Bowen. January 2000. Working Paper #01-07. Undesirable Facilities, Neighborhood Dynamics and Environmental Equity. December 1998. Department of Economics Faculty Research Working Paper Series, 99-04. The Impact of Neighborhood Characteristics on House Prices: What Geographic Area Constitutes a Neighborhood with J.E. Zabel. December 1998. Department of Economics Faculty Research Working Paper Series, 99-05. Toxic Sites and Market Clearing: An Event Study. March 1996. Revised July 1996. Estimating Home Appreciation Rates with R. T. Carson, UCSD Working Paper 88-52, November 1988. GRANTS: Faculty Fellowship for Course Development. Urban Economic Models and Systemic Racism. Awarded July 2020. Research and Publication Award. The Effect of Natural Disasters on Housing Prices with Victor Matheson. Awarded November 2011. Research and Publication Grant. The Impact of Environmental Regulations on House Prices: An Examination of Wetlands Regulations Awarded October 2004. Environmental Protection Agency Co-operative Agreement. National Estimates of the Prices of Environmental Goods. Awarded 10/15/98 - 10/14/01. Internal Grant. Four Studies of United States' Housing Markets. Awarded 12/10/98. Housing and Urban Development Agency. Northeastern University Community Outreach Partnership Center. Joseph D. Warren, Principal Investigator. Awarded 9/96. Research and Scholarship Development Fund from Northeastern University. The Impact of Neighborhood Characteristics on House Prices: What Geographic Area Constitutes a Neighborhood. Awarded 7/1/96 - 12/1/97. Environmental Protection Agency Co-operative Agreement #824141-01. National Estimates of the Costs and Benefits of Environmental Quality. Awarded 6/15/95 - 6/14/98. Environmental Protection Agency Grant #EPA-TPSU-NU-823350-1009. Undesirable Facilities and Political Boundaries: Neighborhood Dynamics and House Prices with K.T. McClain Awarded 6/1/95 - 12/31/96. Junior Research Appointment from Northeastern University. Measuring the Impact of Identified Hazardous Waste Sites on House Values and Appreciation Rates. Awarded 9/93 - 5/94. Environmental Protection Agency Grant #EPA/R820047-01-0. House Prices During Unwanted Facility Siting Decision Stages with K. T. McClain. Awarded 8/92 - 8/94. Research and Scholarship Development Fund from Northeastern University #372920. An Empirical Examination of the Investment Aspect of Household Mobility. Awarded 7/91 - 12/92. PRESENTATIONS: The Effect of Natural Disasters on Housing Prices: An Examination of the Fourmile Canyon Fire with Victor Matheson. Western Economic Association International meetings, June 2015. Panel Speaker at Social, Psychological, and Economic Impacts of Superfund and Other Contaminated Sites Workshop. Organized by the Superfund Research Program. Brown University, May 2012. The Impact of Provenance Law Enforcement on the Price of Antiquities with Katherine Tedesco and Melissa Boyle. Southern Economic Association meetings, October 2013. The Effect of Sports Franchises on Property Values: The Role of Owners versus Renters with Victor Matheson and Christopher Sullivan. Western Economic Association meetings, July 2, 2011. The Impact of Wetlands Rules on the Prices of Regulated and Proximate Houses: A Case Study. Clark University Department of Economics Research Seminar, October 27, 2008. The Impact of Wetlands Rules on the Prices of Regulated and Proximate Houses: A Case Study. American Real Estate Society annual meetings, April 16-19, 2008. The Impact of Wetlands Rules on the Prices of Regulated and Proximate Houses: A Case Study. New England Public Policy Center seminar, August 21, 2007. Toxic Sites and Housing Appreciation Rates: A Study of Market Adjustment. American Real Estate Society annual meetings, April 19 22, 2006. The Effects of Disamenities on Neighboring Property Values at the Lincoln Land Institute. November 7, 2005. The Impact of Superfund Sites on Local Property Values: Are All Sites the Same? with Michael Williams. American Real Estate Society annual meetings, April 14 16, 2005. Environmental Regulations and the Housing Market Invited talk for Research Conference on Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing a workshop organized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. April 22, 2004. Using Hedonic Techniques to Measure Property Values: What Do (and Dont) They Tell Us? Invited talk at Estimating Community Economic Impacts from the Reuse of Contaminated Properties a workshop organized by Resources for the Future in conjunction with Industrial Economics, Inc. and the National Center for Environmental Economics (U.S. EPA). February 26, 2004. An Analysis of the Impact of Multiple Environmental Goods on House Prices with Jennifer Bowen. AREUEA/AEA meetings, Washington, D.C. January 2003. An Analysis of the Impact of Multiple Environmental Goods on House Prices with Jennifer Bowen. Clark University, December 2002. A Repeat Sales Analysis of the Impact of Multiple Environmental Goods on House Prices in St. Louis with Jennifer Bowen. AREUEA/AEA meetings, New Orleans, January 2001. Jointly Estimating the Prices of Environmental Goods: St. Louis as a Case Study. Departmental Seminar Series, March 2000. Jointly Estimating the Prices of Environmental Goods: St. Louis as a Case Study. American Economic Association / Association of Environmental and Resource Economists meeting, Boston, January 2000. Undesirable Facilities, Neighborhood Dynamics and Environmental Equity. Economic Analysis and Land Use Policy Conference sponsored by U.S. EPA Office of the Economy and the Environment and the National Center for Environmental Research and Quality Assurance, December 1999. The Economic Benefits of Cleaning Superfund Sites with J.E. Zabel. American Real Estate Society meetings, April 1998. The Impact of Neighborhood Characteristics on House Prices: What Geographic Area Constitutes a Neighborhood with J.E. Zabel. AREUEA/AEA meetings, January 1998. Compensation Estimates for Home Owners from Environmental Disamenities with J.E. Zabel. National Tax Association Meetings, November 1996. House Price Differentials in U.S. Cities: Household and Neighborhood Racial Effects with J. E. Zabel. Harvard University, Urban Economics Seminar, April 1996. Toxic Sites and Housing Appreciation Rates: An Event Study. American Real Estate Society meetings, March 1996. Evaluating the Usefulness of the American Housing Survey for Creating House Price Indices with J. E. Zabel. AREUEA/AEA meetings, January 1996. House Price Differentials in U.S. Cities: Household and Neighborhood Racial Effects with J. E. Zabel. Northeastern University, December 1995. Estimating the Demand for Clean Air in Four Cities in the United States with J.E. Zabel. Harvard University, Environmental Economics and Policy Seminar, September 1995. House Price Differentials in U.S. Cities: Household and Neighborhood Racial Effects with J. E. Zabel. AREUEA Mid-Year meetings, May 1995. Estimating the Demand for Clean Air in Four Cities in the United States with J.E. Zabel. Brandeis University, March 1995. The Impact of a Failed Incinerator Siting on Local Housing Prices with K. T. McClain. AREUEA/AEA meetings, January 1995. Estimating the Demand for Clean Air in Four Cities in the United States with J.E. Zabel. Harvard University, Urban Economics Seminar, November 1994. Estimating the Demand for Clean Air in Four Cities in the United States with J.E. Zabel. Economic Analysis and Innovations Division, U.S. EPA, August 1994. Measuring the Impact of the Discovery and Cleaning of Identified Hazardous Waste Sites on House Values. American Real Estate Society Meeting, Santa Barbara California, April 1994. Incinerator Sitings, House Prices and Appreciation Rates: A Comprehensive Examination with K. T. McClain. University of Connecticut, February 1994. The Impact of Housing Appreciation on Household Mobility. AREUEA/AEA meetings, January 1994. Incinerator Sitings, House Prices and Appreciation Rates: A Comprehensive Examination with K. T. McClain. North American Regional Science Association International Meetings, November 1993. Economic Benefits Assessment: Theory and Practice. U.S. EPA, OPPE and OST seminar series, October 1993. Incinerator Sitings, House Prices and Appreciation Rates: A Comprehensive Examination with K. T. McClain. University of Maryland, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, October 1993. The Effects of an Incinerator Siting on Housing Appreciation Rates with K. T. McClain. AREUEA/AEA meetings, January 1993. Quantifying Costs: The Siting of Locally Unwanted Land Uses with K. T. McClain. Boston Federal Reserve Bank, January 1992. Quantifying Costs: The Siting of Locally Unwanted Land Uses with K. T. McClain. AREUEA/AEA meetings, January 1992. Quantifying Costs: The Siting of Locally Unwanted Land Uses with K. T. McClain. Northeastern University, December 1991. The Impact of Housing Appreciation on Household Mobility. University of Massachusetts at Boston, February 1990. The Impact of Housing Appreciation on Household Mobility. Wesleyan University, February 1990. The Impact of Housing Appreciation on Household Mobility. Northeastern University, January 1990. The Impact of Housing Appreciation on Household Mobility. Brandeis University, November 1989. ADVISORY AND EDITORIAL BOARDS: National Council on Radiation and Protection and Measurements Area Committee 5 on Environmental Radiation and Radioactive Waste Issues, January 2014 present. National Council on Radiation and Protection and Measurements Scientific Committee on Approach to Optimizing Decision Making for Late-Phase Recovery from Nuclear or Radiological Terrorism Incidents, August 2010 2014. U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance, 12/2003 9/30/2006, 10/01/2006 9/30/2009. Board of Directors of the New England Public Policy Center, 2007 2011. Board of Directors of the New England Economic Partnership, 2001- present. Board of Economic Advisors for Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), 2011 present. Advisory Board for the 1997-98 Annual Editions: Urban Society. Editorial Board for the Journal of Housing Research 1996 - 1997, 1999 2003, 2005 - 2011. REVIEWS AND REFEREE REPORTS: Refereed for Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 2022, 2023. Refereed for Empirical Economics, 2021, 2022. Refereed for Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2020. Refereed for the Journal of Housing Economics, 1994, 1996, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2017, 2020. Refereed for Environmental Science and Policy, 2020. Refereed for Land Economics, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2010, 2011, 2020. Refereed for Journal of Land Use Policy, 2019. Refereed for National Science Foundation, 1995, 1996, 2018. Refereed for Southern Economic Journal, 2001, 2017, 2018. Refereed for Journal of Legal Economics, 2014, 2015, 2018. Refereed for Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1997, 2009, 2014, 2016. Refereed for Resource and Energy Economics, 2015, 2016, 2017. Refereed for Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2015, 2016. Refereed for Journal of Public Economics, 2015. Refereed for Journal of Regional Science, 2015. Refereed for Real Estate Economics, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2014. Refereed for Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2014. Refereed for European Journal ofFinance, 2013, 2014. Refereed for Environmental and Resource Economics, 2012, 2013. Refereed for Journal of Economic Education, 2012. Refereed for Journal of Sports Economics, 2012. Refereed for Risk Analysis, 2010, 2012. Refereed for Housing Studies, 2012. External Peer Reviewer for U.S. EPA report 2010. Refereed for Journal of Housing Research, 2006, 2009, 2010. Refereed for Regional Science and Urban Economics. 2001, 2002, 2005, 2010. Refereed for Journal of Environmental Management, 1997, 2009. Refereed for Southern Economic Journal, 2008. Refereed for the Journal of Urban Economics, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008. Refereed for the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2007. Refereed for Contemporary Economic Policy, 2002, 2004, 2006. Refereed for Land Use Policy, 2005, 2006. Refereed for Contemporary Policy Issues, 2004. Reviewed grant proposal for U.S. Geological Survey and National Institutes for Water Resources National Competitive Grants Program. 5/03. Refereed for The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2000, 2001. Refereed for Urban Studies, 1993, 2001. Refereed for Journal of Housing Research, 1999, 2000. External peer reviewer for U.S. EPA Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, 1994, 1999. Refereed for Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1999. Refereed for Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1995, 1996. Reviewed proposal for Gordon and Breach Publishers, Inc. 1995. Refereed for Fannie Maes Office of Housing Research, 1995. Refereed for Contemporary Policy Issues, 1992, 1993. Refereed for the Journal of Real Estate Research, 1991, 1992. Refereed for the Research and Scholarship Development Fund at Northeastern University, 1992. Reviewed Probability, Statistics, and Economic Analysis for D.C. Heath and Company, February 1990. CLASSES TAUGHT: Undergraduate: Principles of Economics, Introductory Microeconomics, Introductory Macroeconomics, Microeconomic Theory, Quantitative Microeconomics, Urban Economic Theory, Urban Problems and Policies, Environmental Economics, Math for Economists, Statistics, Econometrics, Research Methods, Urban Economics. Graduate: Microeconomic Theory (Ph.D), Math for Economists, Urban Economics. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: American Economic Association American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association American Real Estate Society Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Liaison for , 2014 present     K.A. 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